The World According to Seventh Grade Young Aarthers (Authors)...

Jan 04, 2010 20:29

So I got kind of bored during subbing today and noticed a pile on the teacher's desk marked "Young Authors Final Drafts" was quite an amusing way to pass an hour. And I learned sooo much!

-Everyone in FL goes to Disney World every day
-Orlando, Florida is apparently a beach town
-"Hi, my name is...and I am 5'2 with brown hair, blue eyes and freckles" is the best way to begin a story.
-It is possible to bike to the top of Mt. Everest and surfboard back down in three hours. But the obvious plothole was reconciled by the fact that the character, Luke, lives in Nepal.
-Goldfish are capable of swimming from FL to England in only a few hours
-There is a period of history called the "mid evil ages".
-Japan is full of ninjas named Camren
-If you take an 8th grade level class called "Doctors In Hospitals," you are qualified to become a surgeon's assistant
-$10 is a fair price to ask for a diamond necklace
-16 year old girls are apparently obsessed with Hannah Montana.

Balancing out all of these plotholes and fact twists, however, is the fact that many of the students took "write what you know" to an all new level and managed to incorporate some rather sophisticated jargon of their interest areas. And of course, let's not forget that there is a flip side...AT LEAST THIS SCHOOL TEACHES CREATIVE WRITING AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! *saves that rant for another time*

hahahahaha, good to be back! :-) Hope y'all had a much better New Years Eve than I did! (yeah, boys are stupid!)On the plus side, though, I saw Princess and the Frog. Twice! :-)
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