as I feel myself fall make a joke of it all

Jun 27, 2012 20:11

I'm going to start this post off like a normal person with questions and such, but it will progressively go downhill because I just saw a picture on tumblr of zayn with his hand in liam's pocket and I had to put my head down and take a nap to deal with all the feelings I had about it ( Read more... )

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Comments 33

giggleloop June 28 2012, 00:28:52 UTC
Skype can be used with video or audio. Video uses webcams & yes, it's private unless you invite other people into it (which costs $ to conference in other people), but it's basically just 2 people video chatting. Or you have the choice to use just audio only, which you can use your webcam's mic for, or just any mic you plug into your computer, like a headset or just regular USB mic or something. It essentially can be used to make "phone calls" between people via computer over the internet, so as long as it's computer to computer (no actual phone numbers being called) it's free. Hope that helps! :)


estrella30 June 28 2012, 00:49:01 UTC
ack! perfect! yay - thank you! I tried to look it up online but it was like, telling me how to actually HOOK IT UP and stuff and I just really wanted basic info. thank you!!


canadiankracka June 28 2012, 00:38:29 UTC

You should prob join that comm too, coz it's awesome and excellent people are in it.


estrella30 June 28 2012, 00:49:20 UTC
oh, awesome! thank you!!


smithereen June 28 2012, 00:48:26 UTC
I personally do not care about correct tour dates when I'm reading fic at allllll. That said... When I'm writing, I find sometimes it's easier to go off the real schedule because then I don't have to try to think up which cities to use myself, and it sort of gives the fic a built in structure that I can work with. I just take what I want from reality and change what doesn't work for me.


estrella30 June 28 2012, 01:07:03 UTC
that is a good point! I dont really like the THINKING part all that much :D


darelose June 28 2012, 01:02:00 UTC
I'd like to add that Skype can also be used like AIM, where you just have typed chat sort of conversations with people. So someone who doesn't have a webcam (or maybe just doesn't want to video chat) could use it that way as well. And I was going to recommend that timeline! I've found it super useful before.

Zayn is getting progressively hotter and less subtle in his flirtations with people in his band. It is becoming an issue.


estrella30 June 28 2012, 01:07:40 UTC
ooooh. that is veddy eeeeenteresting... :D

zayn is ridiculous lately. I was not prepared.


pau494 June 28 2012, 01:08:35 UTC
If you're going for accuracy and tour dates play into the fic I think it's worth the research. The timeline in the comm is super impressive! But let's face it, we're all in it for the bunk sex. :D?

I'm getting that image from "Mean Girls" where Rachel McAdams' character is all "YOUR HAIR LOOKS SEXY PUSHED BACK" JFC, Zayn. Is this band getting exponentially hotter? Bags over their heads, they need them!

Have you seen that video of Harry getting all the ladies' attention during X-Factor? It's GOLD. A heartbreaker at sixteen!


estrella30 June 28 2012, 02:08:05 UTC

jfc, I didnt sign on for this! I was like, oh, cute! boyband! puppies! WHERE THE FUCK DID ZAYN COME FROM.


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