new one direction fic - harry/louis

Jun 26, 2012 11:04

this was supposed to be like, 2k of harry and louis smoking pot and shotgunning and somehow it wound up being almost 5000 words. WTF.

thanks to brooklinegirl for the help when I was stuck and the awesome beta! this is for drunktuesdays who not only lets me shriek at her in email but also shrieks back and LOTS of times the things she shrieks about are AWESOME. (such as the ( Read more... )

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Comments 45

drunktuesdays June 26 2012, 15:36:35 UTC
I can't believe this. My bones hurt. You're the best and I LOVE Louis having his own conversations in his head while Harry is bedroom eyesing it up. I LOVE harry ordering room service in a ridiculous voice. I LOVE my life.


estrella30 July 1 2012, 12:04:52 UTC
LOL, well I love YOU so now we're even.


junkshop_disco June 26 2012, 16:14:04 UTC
I have a bit of a thing for stoned sex, and this was perfect ♥.


estrella30 July 1 2012, 12:05:06 UTC
YAY!! Im glad you liked it, thanks!!


lakokoratscha June 26 2012, 16:21:51 UTC
dfhjklafjladfl ----

What even is this? God, this is so wonderful!

I love the idea of them smoking pot together and then shotgunning- and and ughhh.. so hot!

And the thing is, that it wasn't just hot and steamy and everything but also so sweet! Your Harry and Louis are so lovely!

Keep writing, cause you're very very talented! <3


estrella30 July 1 2012, 12:05:24 UTC
thank you so much! Im so happy you liked it! thanks for commenting!


tracedust June 26 2012, 18:35:04 UTC


estrella30 July 1 2012, 12:05:32 UTC
thank you!


inure June 26 2012, 19:42:30 UTC
Oh, this was lovely. xx


estrella30 July 1 2012, 12:05:39 UTC
thanks so much!


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