it sneaks up on me even when I'm not looking

Jun 24, 2012 13:54

you know what's funny? three months ago 1d opened up for big time rush here in ny and I had NEVER HEARD OF THEM. the first fic I read like, a month after that I had to keep the 1d wikipedia page open the entire time because I only knew who harry was and couldn't remember any of the other ones names and had to keep flipping back and forth to pictures of them because I thought liam and louis were the same person.

and look at me now!

eh hem. that is not the point of this post though. the POINT of this post is that I took the baby out for a drive before to see if he would nap and after he was sleeping I was sitting in the driveway listening to the radio and ryan seacrest was on and he was all "hang on, we have niall from one direction on the line" and I was like, OK, I AM HANGING.

and niall was super sweet and adorable and apparently they as a band are thinking of getting like, a BAND DOG to take with them on the road?? which is just ALSDHBKSDFGJDFG SO CUTE I COULD DIE. A DOG. FOR THE WHOLE BAND. LIAM PLAYING CATCH WITH A PUPPY ALL THE TIME. KILL ME NOW, PLEASE. (is this old news? I'd never heard it before but I try and stay away from any kind of 1d actual gossip or "news" on the internet.)

anyway, then it was a bunch of blah blah we want to finish the second album before christmas, yes, it was nice having a break, texas is really hot, ryan told this cute CUTE anecdote about how he watched the WMYB video on his ipad on the plane eight times until another passenger made fun of him for it (which, is ryan seacrest really flying in coach, annoying other people with his ipad? Im thinking not but it was a cute, fangirly story)

and THEN (this is the best part!!!) ryan asks niall about his skype-ing with demi lovato and says something that they're, I dont remember, skpye dating or something? and niall kind of non-answers (she's great person, I love talking to her, I wish her the best, blah blah) and then ryan says "well, you know, you better watch out for that! you know, your conversations could be HACKED! people could get a HOLD OF THAT! just WATCH OUT, NIALL!!" and I'm like, go ryan seacrest! I think I read that fic!

and THEN I was like, OR I COULD WRITE THAT FIC. but with, I dont know, liam, most likely, and, I dont know, zayn, possibly? that would be AWESOME, RIGHT?? they have some kind of break and zayn goes home to see his family and him and liam decide to keep in touch and then, I dont know, all kinds of SEXY FEELINGS COME OUT. (this is sort of like the trope I LOVE of like, people falling in love via text or email or letters, etc. but not, kind of) and then, I dont know. I dont even want him to get hacked! I just want ALL THE FEELINGS to come out and then they have sex. the end.

*adds it to the list*

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