I was tagged for this somewhere and it looked like fun.
post a list of your top five favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. this isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. then tag five other people to do the same
Timeline - Due South - Fraser/Kowalski:
I love this fic. I really do. The first section of this story I wrote one day sitting at my desk for no reason and I had NO idea where it was going. I swear. I wasn't writing this fic at all. But I took that section home and just - for no reason when I woke up the next day I had this whole idea. This whole outline and I loosely plotted it out and came into work and wrote the whole thing in like, a day. I remember tagging Tracey that afternoon and having her say "What are you doing?" and I honestly had NO idea. I said, writing a fic? I think? But just - it just came out and BLAH. There it was and I love it still.
Dearly Beloved - Due South - Fraser/Kowalski:
I think the best way to sum this up is with the author notes attached to the fic itself. They say:
So - this fic? Nothing I ever intended to write. It wasn't on my radar, it wasn't on my list of WIPs or fics that I wanted to get done.
And yet it manages to be the longest DS fic I've ever written. Go figure.
Which is SO TRUE. Again, I have no idea WHERE this came from (uhm. this tends to be the case with a LOT of my favorite fics, lol) but when I was about halfway through I realized, huh, I'm totally writing a fic with all MY favorite kinks in it, arent I? But I was so in love I couldnt stop even though I knew it was so completely self-indulgent. whoops!
Landmarks - SPN - Sam/Dean:
This was one of the first SPN fics I ever wrote, and, man, true story, I wrote like, the first few sentences of this on a Sat night while I was sitting at home. I posted them, even, in my lj for opinions, and la la la, I went to bed, and then woke up at FOUR AM and scribbled this entire fic out on the back of an envelope that was sitting on my nightstand in the middle of the night. When I woke up on Sunday I took the paper, typed it out, added a few words and bam. That was it. I swear, it's like I wrote this in my sleep.
all the miles in between - SPN - Dean/ofc:
I love Dean/ofc. I really do. I love the idea of Dean falling in love, I love making it happen to him, and I just - I actually reread this one, which I dont normally do with a lot of my stuff. I love the idea of Dean loving *this* girl for some reason in particular.
Truth - CW RPS - Jared/Jensen:
Again, this is a fic I never thought of writing. I was sitting on my couch on a Sat night, drinking wine and just started typing and bam. It was just there, staring at me, and I kinda went, huh, and sent it off to be betaed. I'm still really pleased with the idea behind this one and how it reads.
That was fun! I tag EVERYONE! HA!
Anyway, I have not even two whole cents about the whole E!/Kristen/possibly no third season of SPN rumors that are going around. You want to hear my two cents? Here goes. (And please note, I'm honestly not stressing about this because a) it's *very early* for renewals OR cancellations imo, and b) I dont know, I'd rather get my news about a CW show from, hmm, SOMEONE WHO WORKS ON THE CW. Not Kristen from E!, you know what I'm saying?)
But anyway. Again. My two cents.
Seriously, this is the biggest, most effective, most *important* thing ANY of us can do.
Turn your TV onto the CW on Thursdays and *leave it on* whether you're home or not. Annoyed that this week is another rerun? WATCH IT ANYWAY. Since when do we in fandom watch things ONCE, guys.
And just - MAKE someone else watch it. Beg people, harass them, fuck, when my sister told me she was working Thursday night I told her I'd pay her ten bucks to turn her tv on before she left just to leave it playing the CW all night long. Honestly, guys, if even HALF of us could get ONE more person watching, and those people get ANOTHER person watching, do you see how awesome that would be?
I mean, I think now that the OC has fucked off things will be a little better, but just - are you on my flist and you watch one of the other Thursday shows and Tivo SPN? Because, you know, here's a preview:
On CSI a crime is going to happen and then - they will solve it!
On GA someone will get sick! Or hurt! And Meredith will wibble! And then it will be over!
Ok. Now you're all caught up and you want watch SPN in real time, right?
I just - campaigns and letters and emails and being vocal is awesome and perfect and can't hurt, but man, NUMBERS. Let's get our NUMBERS up and then it won't even be an ISSUE, you know? We have this amazing platform on lj and BUILT IN viewers and people listening from friends lists and communities and so on, so let's use it! If everyone can get even *one more tv* to play SPN this week, next week, etc, all it's going to do is help our show, man.
(ok. So maybe that was like, FIVE cents worth. So sue me *g*)