Thanks to
txtequilanights for posting a few and then linking to the
SPN season 1 behind the scenes picspam over at
somersaulter's lj, and just - yeah. I LOVE OUR BOYS AND OUR SHOW THE END.
Ok. Can someone tell me what the HELL is going on in this picture? Really. I'll give you a dollar.
Oh, JARED. You big, huge DORK with your wee little fan.
This picture of Jensen is so hot I could fucking DIE. I just - I want to climb into his lap and do terrible, dirrrrrrrrty things to him. Jesus. Gah. His fucking ARM, and his HAND in his MOUTH. The RING. Jesus. I have to go chew some ice for a minute. I'll be back.
And finally, I've spent the past year pretty much thinking that this was my favorite picture of the two of them ever:
But man, this one just TRUMPS it. JESUS. They have CRUSHES. On EACH OTHER. My god, Jensen is GIGGLING. And look at the way he is LOOKING at Jared. AIEIEIEIE. I swear, nothing in the world could make me happier than this picture. HAPPY HAPPY BOYS ♥♥♥♥♥♥
I'm totally calm now. I swear it.
Food and then posting babyfic. I swear. I just needed to get that out of my system. *twitches*