holy friday, batman

May 05, 2006 11:25

I didn't post about SV or SPN last night, because I swear, I couldnt even wrap my mind around anything for like, hours. And then this morning - HEE! - I wake up and see like, three seperate mentions of OMG HAS ANYONE SEEN NAN? IS NAN ALL RIGHT? and oh, I love you all SO MUCH.

*draws hearts*

That being said, some quick thoughts about SV, but I think I'm going to actually talk about them more after the finale next week, because they seem like they really are going to be thought of better as one long episode than two seperate, from the way it looks like it's playing out. In the meantime though,

I do have to say, that I do like what they're doing here for the finale. I loved all the Lex and Fine interaction. I loved Lionel showing Clark all the drawings. That scene itself was shot beautifully. I loved Jonathan (even if it was Fine) calling Martha on the whole Lionel thing. I loved Chloe's "Did hell freeze over and no one told me?" line when Clark shows up with Lionel at the Planet. There was a lot of good in the episode.

I didnt like Clark, for whatever reason, rifling through Lana's shit. Swear to god, I'm on Lana's side about a few things lately, the main thing being, this was CLARK'S choice, and he cant have it both ways. I also wasn't crazy about Clark accusing Lex of being after Lana the entire time they were friends. That was bullshit to me, and I can understand that Clark is lashing out, but really, he's LEX FUCKING LUTHOR. If he wanted Lana five years ago, he could have done it then. Dont kid yourself, Clark.

Finally, omg wtf is with Lana and LOIS hanging out. Just. Wow. And I dont mind Lois as much as a lot of people do, but nearly every scene she was in last night? She could have been replaced by Chloe and it would have made the same, if not, MORE sense that way.

Again, though. I think next week is going to ROCK and Im gonna rewatch Oracle again right before it goes on and probably have more and better thoughts on it next week.

Last night, though, was all about the SPN finale, for me, so here we go.

spoilers for Devil's Trap

All right. Lemme say first off, that I was semi spoiled for this, in that I had seen a few screencaps, one of which being a pic of Dean and John on the floor and Sam pointing the gun at John. And. While I dont want to say I didnt like the ending with the car crash, because I did. It made me jump and was actually *shot* beautifully, if you watch for things like that as well, but to me, the ending that would have had me a billion times more OMGOMGOMG over the summer, had it ended with Sam with the gun and Dean and John on the floor and not knowing what Sam was going to choose.

Because Sam sided with Dean a lot in last nights episode, something which I really appreciated seeing. He sided with Dean when it came to excorcising Meg, and then again when it came to believing Dean over John when John was possessed by the demon. But. The thing that he sided with Dean *on* was the exact same thing that *John* was now asking him to do. Shoot the body that's hosting the demon. Waste it, no matter about the person still trapped inside.

Now granted, they knew there was a definite risk with Meg because they knew she fell and would most likely die anyway once the demon was excorcised. They had seen that so they knew, but they really had no idea what had happened to John while they were all apart, so they didnt know if they were taking that chance of maybe killing their dad once the demon was gone. But again, Sam sides with *Dean* and god, to see that so many times in one episode really says a LOT to me about Sam and his feelings about Dean.

Jared was just as good in this ep as he always is, but holy god, Jensen and JDM blew me the fuck AWAY. Jensen's line delivery with Sam when he's talking about how John and Sam are so much alike. About how he's the one who'll have to bury Sam. God. And then in the motel, before they realize that John's the demon, the talk about their family and how Dean always held it together. Demon talking or not, I think that's so true, and god, how SAD that Dean hears THAT, and THAT is what pings him that this *isnt really his father.* Holy jesus. Can you rip my heart out any more?

JDM as the demon was fucking fantastic. Seriously. Never, not once, did I think JDM or papa or anything. He was so fucking ON I couldnt even stand it. And Dean. God, Dean, begging his dad not to let the thing kill him. And Jensen. And god, Sam shouting his name, over and over again and just. Oh. Sam, when he gets down and his little "Oh, man, you lost a lot of blood."

*draws hearts*

Also? Sam needs to speak Latin ALL THE TIME. Holy hotness. *fans*

Also, holy god, it's been pointed out a few times, but the "I always wanted to be a fireman" line is SO MUCH MORE than just a throwaway line. God. That just - that DEFINES Dean, right there. God. This show is show fucking awesome sometimes it makes my heart explode. traveller had written a ficlet about just that exact thing, actually, not too long ago, too. And god. I could go on and on about Dean, about the way he is, what he DOES, is like a fireman. The way he'll rush into anything, save anyone who needs to be saved. The way his entire LIFE has been defined by carrying Sam from that fire that night. But. I wont do it today.

Because we have MONTHS to talk about that. Since, you know. NO NEW EPISODES OMG.

*rocks back and forth*

Instead, I'll post a few caps I snagged from oxoniensis who ROCKS. omg. These caps are GORGEOUS.

Just LOOK at Dean's FACE after killing the demon that was beating Sam. Holy god. Who the fuck in the WORLD is hotter than this man?

And this. Dean when he's talking about what he did. What he would do. How he'd do anything for Sam or John and not even flinch. God.

Who in the world is better than Jensen at this face? Who?

And finally, man, I dont get behind the Dean/Papa at ALL, but, holy jesus, this picture can sure as fuck sell me on the Jeff/Jensen. Yes. Yes INDEED.



(also, omg, apetslife had the BEST CHALLENG IDEA EVER! The "get them out of the car" challenge, and the fics themselves can be whatever you want, but they all have to start the same, with them all trapped in the car and having to get out.

HOW SMART IS THAT OMG!! Everyone go poke her with sticks till she sets it up, all right?)

So today I'm working (heeeeeeeeee! "working") and then leaving here and driving straight to Boston to see my girls! Girls who DO NOT watch SV or SPN! Girls who say "Wait, which one is Jared again?" Girls who spell his name: JENSON, just to make me cry, I think.

But. I love them all VERY MUCH, regardless, and will just have to, I dont know, talk to MYSELF about spn all weekend long, or something. Or maybe I'll drunkenly call brenda at random times to squee about the boys.

WHO KNOWS! All I know is I am going to Boston till Sunday night, and will be drunk and happy and with my girls, HOORAY! I'll be online on and off, so if you need me for anything, be sure to email.

Enjoy your Friday's everybody!
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