Feb 14, 2006 13:26

Firstly, thank you to moosie for my Valentime candy! YAYE! And to my second anonymous person for the wonderful flower! *hearts and smishes*

Also, hey, do you guys know who else sent me a flower? No? You don't? Well I will tell you:



Man, I just knew they had a blog!

Seriously, thank you to everyone. You've totally made my day. Also *koff* thank you to Tracey? I guess? Who abused the power of our relationship yet again to wander into my userinfo and give me this loverly picture by my bio information. (Honestly though, the very best part is me picturing her cruising the internets with the words: ROSENBAUM WELLING GAY in her search engine LOOKING for this picture. Oh, Tracey. I love you so very much ♥)

I also love Danny and Rusty and Max (oh, MAX!), but I tell them that every day so I suspect it's no longer news but still, LOVE. And Basher, of course! and (omg, am I really starting this? Yes, apparently I am) well - let's just suffice it to say that I love ALL of you, from the people who've stuck by me from DS and Christ - Terri and Cas and Rhi and rhyo are from TS huh? - and everyone who fills my flist with happiness and glee every day and makes me laugh and everyone I've met in rl who are now my FRIENDS, regardless of fandom or what we're reading or writing, and those of you who I know omg so well and those I only know a little, and just - you all make my life better for having you in it. Really. So, thank you all ♥

I just - it is TUESDAY people! It is sunny and Im having sushi for dinner and spending the day poking new j2 fic (I haff decided on skating, not skiing. Interested parties, is that all right? I had issues with the skiing) and tonight - OH TONIGHT! Tonight will be a GLORIOUS night and I just--

*twirls more*

Like that. Tell me all, how are YOU doing?
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