(no subject)

Feb 14, 2005 22:47

Cast parties are so much fun. Not so fun when you have an audition at 8:30 the next morning in San Francisco and the cast party is at your house. Actually, it was still a lot of fun. That whole group of people just gives me the best vibe. It really was the best cast for POP's I thought. Everyone was just always relaxed it seemed, yet they knew to be alert and focused for the most part. Did that in any way save my voice? No. As goes the tradition with directors, I lost my voice as we all do. That's ok though. More was gained. Here's a brief re-cap from the show.

That's me and Jill at the first full cast rehersal. It went really well. They sounded great from day one.

That would be our lovely Andrea playing the piano for the guys in the Annex.

A small portion of our lovely cast durring our last warm up together.

Half of the best Assistant Directing team any POP's concert has ever seen. They were absolute jewels.

Mikey and Dan looking too goofy for words. They just kept laughing!

Ok, so Kevin for some reason, thinks that if he makes ugly faces in his pictures, people will think that he's being ugly on purpose, because he thinks he's ugly in general. Now where's the logic? Someone tell me...I don't get it.

I just...love my friends. So much.

Mike and Soba parking themselves in the same place they did at the last cast party, and staying there....like they did at the last past party. Oh fun.

Once again. Kevin....being..well Kevin. And Erica and Carrie looking too cute for words.

To of my most favorite under classmen. Or should I say, classwomen. I love these two girls with all of my heart! Maggie declared herself my mini-me. I can see that. She's my daughter. I love them both so much!

My favorite party member of them all. My mommy.

Gotta have the traditional "Gabby and Lauren" picture. Why are we just so goofy? Eh. Best friends bring it out of eachother I guess. I love this girl!

My big brother! He really is like my big brother. I love him so much!

Me and my Courtney. <3

Dan and I. Didn't he look so snazzy? The tie and shirt were just so awesome! Then he rounded it off very nicely with the comfy flip-flops. Perfect combonation.

Mikey came to support the show. What a nice guy! Then he came to the cast party to make sure no one was playing any "dirty" games. Go Mikey!

Before the show opened, I kept saying that I wished it would end. That the show was going to be the worst ever etc. etc. I never stopped to think about how much I was getting out of it. Everyone in the cast taught me something new. It's tough as a senior to think that you might not get a chance to feel that way again. I'm going to miss that. Everyone is always so axious to get out of High School. I only ask why? Why would you trade these memories for anything else? It is time to say goodbye though. I didn't say it closing night before my number because I knew I would cry, but I silently dedicated my song closing night to all of the seniors. Whether we want to or not, we do have to leave this behind and say goodbye. I look back on all of this with great love and fondness. I hope that you all can do the same.

"I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly.

I'll do what it takes 'till I touch the sky.

I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change,

And breakaway.

Out of the darkness and into the sun.

But I won't forget all the ones that I love

I'll take a risk, take a chance, make a change,

And breakaway."

God Bless.


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