Last day of freedom...

Sep 05, 2005 16:00

Tee hee, I changed my avatar. XD
So I have 8 more hours of official freedom. Shall I say it once more? This summer has been so amazingly crazy. I have learned so much about myself and so much about...singing. I have learned that I'm a lot stronger than I thought. I've learned that there really are no black and white situations. Life doesn't just have grey areas. Life is a rainbow. I'm also realizing that following convention may not be what I should do after I graduate. I shall elaborate on that later. But this summer... I went into it excited about NYSSSA, apprehensive about August, and quite happy that I hadn't failed the math regents.
Seriously, though, is it a summer I would do over? Honestly, no. I loved NYSSSA, and I loved my friends there, but I want something different next summer. As for August, who would want to go through a breakup again? Still, through the past couple of years, I've come to realize that I learn the best by doing things and making mistakes. I mean, yeah it sucks to have bad things happen to you, but if you dwell on them then you're only making it worse for yourself. There is so much wisdom to be gained from retrospective contemplations. Listening to my heart has proved a very vital aid to decisions I make. I think I needed to have a [real] boyfriend to know that I don't like it very much right now. I feel so much stronger now. I feel that I can really rely on myself when I feel very alone. But I also know that I have amazing friends to rely on when I just can't make it myself. Oh, and Gerard Butler just sang 'despair' the correct way. You go, Gerry!
So I shall now elaborate on the post-graduation plans. I was talking to my parents earlier about some ideas I have. And they inevitably include going abroad to study. I was thinking of taking the year after I graduate from high school to go abroad- most likely France- to study voice there. Ideally, I'd be accepted to college already, and I'd defer my freshman year to the following year. My mom said kids do that all the time. So here are my reasons for wanting this: 1. I don't want to follow the conventional high school > college path. I feel like there is so much more that I should learn that just can't be learned at my school or in this town. 2. I want to enrich myself in a different culture and immerse myself in singing, solely, and 3. I want to go abroad!!! My brother lived in France last semester, and he keeps trying to disillusion me from it, but I want to know for myself how it is to live in Europe. I mean, yeah, it wouldn't be the tourist ways I've known from when I went to France. And that's exactly what I don't want.
So that was one of the options. The other was to go straight to college, have my voice mature, then maybe take a year to study in a conservatory in Europe- most likely Paris. When I look more closely at colleges, I'm going to look at their abroad programs. Either way, I want to study/live in Europe during and/or before college.
Ok. So those are my plans as I go into my junior year. Hopefully by this time next year I'll have a sharper idea of my options. And my voice will be more mature by then, so it will be easier to see where I'd fit for colleges.
And now for intellectual pursuits in the form of Mary Poetry:

Emily cania
you drive me insania
I think I'll move to Albania
But there it does rainia
I hate school
I want a pool
the end

Maybe not her best, but that's because her poor brain is being wracked by ABSOLUTE HATRED OF SCHOOL. We feel your pain O Pierced Poet!
Ok, ciao kids.
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