I have been wicked, with a small bit of help from
micheinnz (okay, lots of help, 'cos she organised it, bless her), and her lovely friend across the Ditch whose name currently escapes me. As of this morning, I am the doting possessor of Captain Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones action figures. Fully poseable! With little stands and natty wee handguns.
Naturally, JB is delighted by this turn of events, despite having been threatened with Dire Consequences if he tries to steal them. Because they are mine, mine I tell you, all mine!
The following set of text messages was sent to Miche this morning:
* JB has discovered the boys. Cardiff is under attack from multple waves of aliens. There is much shooty bang-banging.
* Ianto is keeping Jack admirably supplied with coffee throughout the fighting. And apparently the rest of the team is at the pub.
* And lo, there was much death and destruction, and then they went to bed. Separately. And Ianto shot the alarm clock.
[Miche:] * They really are rather lovely, aren't they? Have you been able to reclaim them?
* Only by letting JB take his breakfast into the living room ;-) They're resting now, a bit breathless ...
* Cup of tea and a lie-down.
* Oh god. I just realise I have a brass doll's bed just their size. Double, too ...
(And later, JB introduced Jack and Ianto to Jack-Dragon and Ianto-Dragon. They are now fast friends. (Obsessed, moi?))
Sometimes my life is very silly ;-)
[Edited to more accurately re-apportion praise, with no hint of blame. ;-) ]