My Clone's wedding

May 23, 2005 12:07

Went up to York for my clone's wedding this weekend. She spends years moving round the world living in America and Holland and ends up marrying someone she went to Uni with and moving back to York :) Still he seems a really nice guy and I'm glad she got over her commitment issues, I think he sneaked up on her when she wasn't looking.

Decided she has the more conservative side of our personality to the fore, she wore white which was the one colour I wasn't going to wear when I was sorting out mine, looked good though. She proved we are still alike though as she was icing her own wedding cake the night before which sounds very familiar, though she wasn't also finishing the dress, and several other outfits and....

I took some photos which I'm going to use to make her present. Honest I will get round to it.. need to finish another one as well thats only a couple of years late hey but he expects that off me... not a good excuse I know.

Got to get through the next couple of weekends of running around first though.

The wedding was great but the night after wasn't. We stayed in a very nice B&B rather than drive home and took Dominic back there after the meal as he was getting very hyper.. got him to sleep after much crying becouse he had worn himself out so much he was too tied to know he needed to sleep! Thought that would be that but then he woke again about 11.30 and would not go back to sleep, we watch TV, went for a drive (he went to sleep for a few minutes by was wide awake again as soon as we lifted him out the car) played with toys or let him, tried to keep him from banging to many doors etc. He finally fell asleep about 6am and we had to get up for breakfast at 8.30!

So yesterday was a bit of a blur. More awake today but have a bit of a headache and a sore throut. Now just got to work out what we still haven't sorted for Stargate and remind Tom to make sure we arrange peeps to come and help load tents etc at this end.
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