Floor and Maelstrom

Jul 24, 2006 18:28

It's finally finished !!! Well Jon isn't totally happy with where the two pieces join but we think a little bit of self leveling concrete will sort that out which we can do ourselves. Now need to work out if we have enough parket flooring and if we do start stripping it (it's recycled and free as I got it from Freecycle... came from another local house of a similar period on Cov.)

Now just need to get the builder back to finish the back door and round the windows plus rendering the back wall and that is the back done apart from decoration ands laying the floor which we can't do for at least a month because the concrete has to dry out completely or the wood will warp when the heating goes on and drives any remaining water into the wood. But we can move stuff out into there as long as we are a bit careful not to knacker the floor surface.

Hopefully he will get the electrician back and finish the wiring in the loft too then we can finish the bits we are doing and have two rooms finished bar decorating!!

Maelstrom was good, very hot so I didn't wear the frock coat (black synthetic brocade) for most of it and found people didn't recognise me without it. Next event should be interesting for all sorts of reasons.
chaotic_gent was very good as a unhinged gun toting gentleman !! and Dave continues to be brilliant as Riddle. Saw his battle form for the first time this weekend, mad and quite different but still obviously the same character. He really seems to have found his niche there. Our camp continues to expand with some wonderful people so it is now very eclectic but surprisingly lacking in tension at least among ourselves!

damianobf ran round a lot as usual as the Compt. He reacted rather badly IC to a few things especially about some things the Eidlons said but OOC he says he enjoyed it !

I still find it hard to understand why i like Maelstrom because I hate fest systems but I think it is because it's not full of people waiting for the next wave of monsters. If you want to have anything happen you need to go out and make it happen and as a result I am far more busy that I ever have been in a normal fest system. I like systems where you are free to do what your character would do given a set of circumstances rather than feeling you have to do what is socially acceptable (for instance not kill other PC's) or fall in line to solve the main plot.
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