Apr 29, 2007 22:02
1) That you shouldn't get on an elevator if you see flies.
2) That people can pretend to be humble. How sad.
3) That when somebody says "It's your choice." They don't always mean it. So be careful which car you choose. You may choose the wrong one.
4) That Baby Josh's answer is always going to be "Jesus"
5) That forgiveness is key
6) That I'm cold-hearted because I didn't cry at the Senior "breakfast"
7) That just because you work your butt off doesn't mean that everything is going to come through.
8) (continuation of seven) HOWEVER, sometimes God is kind enough to shed his grace on the undeserving (which is everyone).
9) That there are nice people out there
10) That even though you're entirely too poor to go to prom, that people are always willing to assist.
11) That just because your sister turns 21 doesn't mean she's going to go out drinking. lol.
12) That Geography still isn't my subject
13) That just because you go to Habitat for Humanity to volunteer doesn't mean they're going to give you a job
14) That even though you hate being tickled, Mark always fails to realize that.
15) That random people can be a self-esteem booster.
16) That when you're praying and someone comes up behind you and places their hand on your shoulder it has the potential to scare you.
17) That Jon has OCD. HAD, HAD!
18) That when Wendy and Vickie say "Let's sit down and plan your graduation party" they really mean that THEY are planning your graduation party...not you!
19) That even though you go into something completely unprepared...God sees you through.
20) That writing an AP essay is possible...WE HOPE!
21) That Pretty Woman is still an amazing movie.
22) That clean rooms are better.
23) That maybe if your clothes were clean then it would seem like you have more.
24) That saying you're going to walk 2 miles a day doesn't always happen.
25) That "The burn" you get from doing crunches is still WONDERFUL!