Драгонэйджпедия, Кунари

Nov 08, 2017 12:06

Больше месяца пинала балду, пора как-то снова включаться в учебу. :) Ощущаю острый комплекс неполноценности: если с описательной частью еще туда-сюда, то когда дело касается всяческих философских рассуждений на тему религии и социологии - дело плохо, не могу толком выразить мысль, не хватает ни словарного запаса, ни умения эти слова сложить нужным образом. :(

Qunari is the term, which usually is used to describe one of other races which inhabit Thedas. It is a humanoid race but they are distinguished by a grey skin, two-meter growth height and especially by the horns. Actually, in their language "Qunari" means "people of the Oun", so, a Qunari could be also an elf or a human, who joined this religious cult. But this race does not tend to share with the strangers the details of their classification, so we don't know any proper name to identify them. However, the majority of Qunari are devoted to the Qun so strongly much that being forced to violate its dogmas, they even can to kill themselves. Therefore, we can use this term for the whole all this nation at least statistically.
Qunari have invaded Thedas from the north a thousand of years ago and attempted to conquer the whole continent. This time is known as Qunari Wars. Qunari had massive warships and heavily armoured and trained warriors, so they quickly and decisively conquered much of the Tevinter Imperium and some of other countries. The invading Qunari did not kill their prisoners but instead converted them to the Qun. As well as Andrastion religion the Qun demands to spread its faith in the whole world, so these cults could not exist peaceably.
It was the first time in the whole history when both Chantries had to unite for a fight against the common enemy. They succeeded to in returning the most biggest part of the lands but this war took more than one hundred years. Therefore, Qunari finally got the whole northern archipelago Part Vollen in exchange for a promise to stop hostilities against all the nations of Thedas.
However, when armies of Thedas were having freed their former citizens, it sometimes appeared that the converted people and especially the elves didn't want to come back into the loving Chantry's hands and preferred to be Qunari. The reaction of the Chantry was not merciful, so it is hard to say whether a captivity or a rescue was better for the common people.
There is a point of view that Qunari agreed to stop the invasion because the Qun obliges them to protect their new members. The suffering of common people during the war conflicted with the ideas of the Qun, so Qunari have decided to change the tactic and to use other methods of conquering. They wait, collect the information about the other races and prepare for the new steps.

The Qun is an interesting religion based on a presupposition that society is one body. Every human being is like a drop of blood in this body and he must play a defined role for guaranteeing to whole society healthy and long life. In other words, the ideas of the free will and a personal identity are not very popular among Qunari, society is all everything and a person is nothing for them.
In accordance with the assumption that whole their society is the one family, Ounari don't have the usual families and other emotional personal relations. The children are taken from their mothers after the birth and raised by the Tamassrans, women-priests who are very important in Ounari society. They are responsible for the studying and interpretation of the Qun, they take care of children, the diseased and the aged. It's also known that they also provide the sexual release, which is definitely an important thing for the community, but this part of Ounari life is not really explored.
The Tamassrans give the children the general education, evaluate their skills and define their roles for a the future. It happens when Qunari are twelve years old after the passing and pass some tests. This social role is the main characteristic of Qunari. They even don't generally use the personal names, every Qunari is usually known by his role description like soldier's ranks Sten and Karashok or other professions. Usually, this role isn't changed during the whole Qunari's life, except the common professional promotion and conferment of a higher rank. The rare exceptions are usually connected with the unpleasant things like re-education by the Ben-Hassrath, the unit of Qunari forces which has police, espionage, and religious functions.
In an ideal case, the Tamassrans make a good decision, a person gets the a job which is completely suitable for his inclinations. Those who obey the rules and fulfil their duties are respected members of Qunari community, they are provided with all resources for a life, so everybody is satisfied. Qunari do care about their people, therefore, it is easy to understand why the Qun became so popular among poor people and especially elves.
But the existence of the renegades in their community gives us the clue that the ideal is not always achievable. There is no absolutely effective system in any world, and it is quite easy to miss, for example, that a strong boy, who seems to be an ideal for being a soldier, is reluctant to kill even a chicken, or that a humble farmer is a talented inventor, who will always forget about his cows while dreaming of new idea. We don't exactly know how the Qun solves such problems. Generally, the refusing to obey the duties properly is seen as an illness to be cured, and those who resist are taken to the temples dedicated to healing. What happens later is not quite clear; we know some cases when a person was allowed to change his role and it was a really wise decision. Someone came for such healing willingly and found the strength to continue his job, so it seems that Ben-Hassrath is familiar to with quite effective psychiatry. However, it also is known that they can use a substance called qamek just to turn disobedient ones into mindless laborers who can be used for a dirty job because Qunari don't like to waste any resources, even the broken ones.
Those who don't want to be re-educated sometimes escape from Qunari lands, but they know so few little about the life without the dictation of the Qun that they sometimes go mad and turn into some kind of wild animals. As it was mentioned earlier, the Qun governs every part of Qunari life, so freedom sometimes is a hard choice for a person who has never made even a small decision in his life. These renegades can be a serious problem for the people who were not lucky to meet face them.
Therefore, the Qun is a very disputable religion, somebody finds there peace and support, but somebody supposes that such philosophy is worse than slavery, because «a slave at least is free to dream, and the Qun takes away even the dreams».

english, игры, dragonage

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