MASTER POST: High Hopes || Arthur/Eames || NC-17

Aug 11, 2011 21:22

Title: High Hopes
Pairing: Arthur/Eames, inexplicit Arthur/OC(s)
Word Count: ~36,500
Warnings: Underage (Arthur is seventeen in the beginning), attempted sexual assault & the immediate aftermath, violence
Arthur at seventeen is not the same as Arthur at twenty-nine; Eames is one of the few people to have met Arthur at both ages. Some days, Arthur thinks that if he could go back in time and smack some sense into his teenage self, he would.

A story about lust, love, and the years between.

A/N: Originally posted here on inception_kink. The prompt is probably more compelling than my summary (but spoilery).

I   |   II   |   III   |   IV   |   V   |   VI   |   VII



genre: slash, genre: angst, rating: nc-17, pairing: arthur/eames, fic, fandom: inception, kink meme fic, hope 'verse

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