Drabble: Time of Lead (Ethan/Giles - PG)

May 28, 2012 09:53

Crossposted to open_on_sunday
I am so out of practice, when it comes to writing in English, and my memory of the show is getting hazier, but I thought: Let's try a little drabble anyway...
Set during S2.

Earning Giles’s forgiveness was harder than turning lead to gold. Ethan knew, he’d tried both.

Trying to blow Giles after Randall’s funeral had been a mistake, he knew that now, but it’s not like Ethan had had any experience saying sorry. He’d never wanted, never needed anyone’s forgiveness before. He’d considered himself a free man: free to go where chance took him, without looking back.

How do you say you’re sorry to a man who cannot bear the sight of you?

You don’t.

All you can do is treat every punch, every kick, as the caress that might have been.

fanfiction, ethan, fic, fanfic, drabble

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