FIC: Broken English - Part 10 - (Giles/Ethan) - R

Dec 14, 2008 21:12

Of course he’s glad that Ethan is no longer dead. However, he also knows that hell is not exactly a place renowned for letting go of its prey. What kind of deal did Ethan make? Was he forced to claw his way out of his own grave, like Buffy, reanimated by dark necromancy? Who’d be interested in bringing him back into play? Janus? The First? A dark ( Read more... )

fanfiction, ethan

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shapinglight December 14 2008, 20:55:49 UTC
Have my daughter's computer for half an hour while she has a shower, saw this and had to read it.

Wonderful, as always, and I love the Spike references, obviously, but most of all the reminders of how well Giles and Ethan would work as a team, if they weren't mortal enemies. Heh!

Loved it.


estepheia December 14 2008, 21:03:56 UTC
Ooh, feedback. Yay!
I'm glad you're enjoying the Spike references. I mostly include them to remind grumpy old Rupert that even vampires can change sides. I think he's starting to get the message.

Would you believe that I only just realized that Jenny Calendar was in many ways a female version of Ethan? Slender, dark hair, dark eyes, sexually active, outspoken, well-connected in the magic community... It's true, she wasn't a chaos worshipper, but she had a great sense of adventure. Plus, she liked monster trucks. I'm pretty sure, Ethan would enjoy monster trucks, too.

(we just watched the first two Ethan epis with the kids)


petzipellepingo December 14 2008, 22:31:31 UTC
You're right, she really is a "light" version of Ethan. Ethan's all dark magic and sin and she's white magic and true love (Giles' idea of true love that is).

ANd I also loved the Spike references and the notion of offering the old power some whiskey.


estepheia December 15 2008, 12:08:42 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad you're still reading. I know it's one of my more long winded stories, that always happens to me when a project is written over a longer period of time... :-(


antennapedia December 15 2008, 06:55:46 UTC
Jenny and Ethan definitely have a lot in common! Giles likes his partners a little bit wicked, I think.


estepheia December 15 2008, 22:33:16 UTC
Wicked. Funny. Yes, I think so too.
But it's funny that I never saw the connection before. *shakes head*
I suppose I wasn't wearing my slash tinted glasses when I watched S2 before. Hee. :-)


shapinglight December 16 2008, 10:57:36 UTC
Blimey! Until you said that, I hadn't realised either.

Nice catch.

Wanted to say again too how much I love this story.


estepheia December 16 2008, 18:25:27 UTC
I couldn't have written this much without your support. Knowing that the story has a handful of very faithful readers keeps me going.


shapinglight December 18 2008, 11:39:21 UTC
:Waves her Broken English Is Brill banner proudly:


spikendru January 1 2009, 15:14:56 UTC
*joins you in the banner waving*

I love this story <300!


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