
Dec 08, 2008 10:09

gacked from rusty_halo

Doctor Who/David Bowie - what does it say about me that I think this pairing makes perfect sense? And that I'd happily read a proper full-length story about this pairing? *g*

doctor who

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Comments 5

sueworld2003 December 8 2008, 11:55:40 UTC
No, you're not the only one. *g* I could see them as great match too. :0


rusty_halo December 8 2008, 17:37:19 UTC
I'd happily read a proper full-length story about this pairing

I am praying that someone will write that!


estepheia December 8 2008, 18:56:31 UTC
LoL. That would be cooler than cool. In fact, someone ought to pitch the idea to the current showrunner. :-)


rusty_halo December 8 2008, 18:59:49 UTC
Oh, man, it would be such a tease if they had to write it in kid-friendly format, though!


estepheia December 10 2008, 09:08:59 UTC
kid-friendly??? Um. Seriously, I think it could be funny as well as hot. I am quite happy for TV shows to hint and pave the way and for imagination and fanfic to do the rest. :-)


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