Advent Drabble #6 - Scars (Spike/Ethan - PG)

Dec 07, 2008 08:56

„Tell me,“ Ethan said, mapping Spike’s eyebrow with sensitive fingertips. “Did you get this scar before you were turned?”

Spike lay still. “First Slayer I killed nicked my brow. Wound never healed. Later found out her sword was enchanted.”

“What about this one?” Ethan picked up Spike’s left hand to trace the thin scar inside his palm.

“Christmas bauble. I was two. Mother said I never let go. Was lucky none of the tendons got cut.”

Ethan rested his hand on Spike’s heart. “And this?”

Spike hesitated.

“Tell me. I want to know everything about you.”
“Her name was Cecily.”

ethan, spike, drabble

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