Advent Drabble #5 - Anniversary (Spike & Giles, post-Chosen)

Dec 06, 2008 11:00


“Got a place to crash?”

He’s standing on Giles’s doormat, huddled under a blanket, emitting wisps of smoke into in a golden November sunrise.

Giles sighs. “Come in.”

Spike smells slightly singed, as he brushes past him.

“How d’you know my address?” Giles moves through the living room to draw the curtains.


“Are you dripping blood on ( Read more... )

fanfiction, spike, drabble

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Comments 6

sueworld2003 December 6 2008, 10:11:56 UTC
*claps hands* Oh that was wonderful! Thank you so much for that!

Love these two together. *g*


estepheia December 6 2008, 10:24:49 UTC
hee. I'm glad you likey. :-)


shapinglight December 6 2008, 13:22:19 UTC
Hee! Loved it!


estepheia December 6 2008, 15:13:49 UTC
thank you!!
Hard to believe that Pangs aired nine years ago.


thismaz December 25 2008, 15:39:12 UTC
*laughs* Lovely. Shared memories, *g* they are what bind friends together.


estepheia January 10 2009, 08:15:55 UTC
This is one drabble that I would have liked to write in full: 1000 words about all the Scoobies coming together to celebrate and share memories. *sigh*
Won't happen. I have too many WIPs on the backburner and a few original fiction projects....


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