FIC: Broken English - Part 8 - (Giles/Ethan) - R

Nov 05, 2007 09:21

Ethan-ficathon Masterlist

I'm sorry about the long wait. Although I tinkered with the chapter almost every day, I never made real progress until this morning. The last two weeks were both busy and lazy. I took time off, the kids were at home, we made a few trips, played computer games. Anyway, the next part is almost finished. I hope it won't take ( Read more... )

ficathon, fanfiction, ethan, fic, fanfic

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Comments 17

shapinglight November 5 2007, 08:53:01 UTC
Great to see another chapter, and such fun to get inside Ethan's head and see him warring with his own instincts that way. Wonder why he lied to Giles about the cell phone?

More soon, please?

also, one tiny typo, 'is' in the last but one line instead of 'his.'


estepheia November 5 2007, 09:04:34 UTC
I fixed the typo. Thanks.
I'm glad you're still reading. It's hard to maintain interest in a story that is updated so infrequently. I know that from experience.


shapinglight November 5 2007, 09:09:42 UTC
Oh, I think you'll always have an audience for this one, though f/b goes down all the time, sadly, as interest wains in the fandom in general.


estepheia November 5 2007, 10:28:09 UTC
Yes, I noticed that there's a lot less feedback these days. It's been a while since the shows were cancelled. The comics are meh, not bad, but they don't inspire me the way the shows did. I miss hearing the characters speak.
I watch a lot of TV, but in most cases I am not interested in reading fanfic. In fact, I try to avoid it. Like e.g. Supernatural....

Oh well, I'm glad that this story found its handful of readers. I use it to practice my descriptive skills. :-)

I should, of course, write something in German and try to get it published, but I lack the energy and concentration.


petzipellepingo November 5 2007, 09:48:55 UTC
Great look into Ethan's thought, especially about his relationship with Giles. Hmm... hiding a cell phone...


estepheia November 5 2007, 10:29:03 UTC
Thank you.
Don't worry, you'll soon find out, what's going on with Ethan.


philips November 6 2007, 02:28:06 UTC
Still loving this story. In my mind, the layers that make up their relationship are nicely reflected by the hole they find themselves in. I'm confounded by Ethan's decision to lie about the cell phone but amused that, even being dropped on his head, he continues to be an interesting conundrum. Thank you.


jmchau November 6 2007, 03:04:25 UTC
Nice nice!


pinkdormouse November 6 2007, 20:50:46 UTC
Still enjoying, and intrigued as to what's going on with Ethan.


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