FIC: Broken English - Part 3 (Giles/Ethan) - R (eventually)

Sep 12, 2007 21:42

My Ethan-ficathon story continues...
TITLE: Broken English Part 3
PAIRING: Giles/Ethan
RATING: I'm aiming for a slashy R, but the characters might chicken out
SPOILERS: Set after 8x04 The Long Way Home (comics); set in Germany, btw
PROMPT: a vacation or roadtrip, magic, ( Read more... )

ficathon, fanfiction, ethan

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Comments 29

petzipellepingo September 12 2007, 20:35:28 UTC
Woah! Neither Giles nor I saw that one coming. This is getting more interesting by the chapter.


estepheia September 12 2007, 23:01:35 UTC
*beams* Thank you. I'm glad I managed to surprise you.
*chuckles evilly*


spikendru September 12 2007, 23:12:20 UTC
Loved Ethan musing on the chaos of snowflakes! I had never thought of them like that before, but from now on, whenever I see windswept snowflakes, I will think of Ethan (and you!)

Ethan dredges up a smile. What else can he do?

This line is so very Ethan - loved it! And then Giles' reaction to that smile. . . *happy sigh* But, of course, Giles is distrustful of Ethan, and on his guard against Ethan's charms. *g*

“I didn’t. Cheat. Death.” The words come out like pistol shots. “Your Slayer was too late. I took a bullet to the head. I died Rupert.”

Meep! What a cliffhanger! You are ev0l to leave it at that! Anxiously awaiting the next part.

Thank you so much for writing this!

*snuggles you*


estepheia September 12 2007, 23:27:55 UTC
Yay! I'm glad you're enjoying this.
from now on, whenever I see windswept snowflakes, I will think of Ethan (and you!) Wow, I'm flattered. Thank you. Would you believe that I actually researched snowflakes? :-D

Evil, huh? *cackles*

BTW, I adore your icon. :-)


spikendru September 13 2007, 01:55:46 UTC
Isn't it gorgeous? It's from a manip done by khaoschilde, and she gave me permission to turn it into an icon. They are so hot together in this piccie that I couldn't resist.


estepheia September 13 2007, 21:27:07 UTC
Absolutely gorgeous. :-)


shapinglight September 13 2007, 11:09:08 UTC
Oh, wonderful! You write the best Ethan - and the description is wonderful - Ethan's little musings about snowflakes.

Also, that twist at the end was great.

I'm enjoying this so much. I hope your muse stays safely handcuffed to you for a long time to come.


estepheia September 13 2007, 21:24:08 UTC
Thank you!!!
Today my muse was a little haughty, but I hope to cheer her up tomorrow. I know exactly where I want to go with the plot, it's just finding the right words that's difficult... ;-)

Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying this.


shapinglight September 14 2007, 12:35:16 UTC
Yeah, that's always the hard part. Good luck with the Muse anyway. Does she like chocolate?


antennapedia September 13 2007, 18:36:42 UTC
Oh. Awesome. Excellent twist. Stay on the road, Rupert...


estepheia September 13 2007, 21:26:35 UTC
Thank you!
I'm glad the surprise worked. I was so bloody pissed off about the events in the comics that I have more than half a dozen scenarios in my head that say: nope, just because we saw Ethan dead in the comic books, doesn't mean it's the end for him...

As for staying on the road... uhm....


philips September 14 2007, 01:00:15 UTC
Here via the su_herald and very glad I clicked on that link. I've just read all three parts and just love this. Now I just want to know why and how and what happens next! LOL Honestly, I'm usually polite. Wonderful cliffhanger.


estepheia September 17 2007, 21:11:27 UTC
Thank you very much for your kind feedback. Unfortunately job and family don't leave me a lot of time to write. Therefore I'm not updating as often as I'd like.
I'm hoping to post more soon, though. :-)


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