Dec 02, 2006 12:56
The family is away for the weekend, so I'll have time to write tonight and tomorrow. Maybe I'll manage to write a few drabbles or ficlets. If you want one, just drop me a character or pairing in the comments, plus a prompt, and I'll see what I can do. Ideally, I'll write enough so I can post one every day until Christmas, like I did last year. Okay, last year there were a couple of prompts that I couldn't do, like Mal/Wash, but most of the requests I posted on time. No promises, except that I'll do my best. :-)
Possible fandoms: BtVS, AtS, Firefly, Supernatural, VM
I am not up to speed on Smallville, but would be prepared to give it a try
Fandoms I am willing to try - if push comes to shove: Harry Potter, Torchwood, CSI, Constantine
Of course, you can ask for other fandoms too. I'll see what I can do.
And may I, too, make a request? I'd very much like a Snape icon, one from the last movie, where he pulls back his sleeves...