My printer ran out of ink. Thank god. Otherwise I might have considered producing even more handouts for my students. I think I'm going over the top with my 45 pages in 8 sessions... But now that I can't print anything out I can relax and just scribble a few notes on my post-its.
Ursula K. leGuin's Steering the Craft turned out to be a very interesting read with a handful of very useful exercises. I find her tone condescending, and I would have liked to see more modern examples, but on the whole the book is worth reading. I find 15 bucks a little expensive for such a slim book. I read the University's copy. I may order one for myself eventually, or I may just do the evil thing and photocopy it. If I photocopy, I feel more inclined to mark certain sections...
I watched House 2.09 and Bones 1.02 today. I'm not going to give a lot away, but I guess I better use spoiler cuts anyway.
To my surprise, I enjoyed Bones more than House. I find David Boreanaz positively charming and cute and yummie in this show. He must have lost an enormous amount of weight since filming Angel (or the costume department of AtS should be summarily flanned). Someone on my flist wrote an essay recently how we adore emotionally stunted male characters and are eager for them to connect, but have a dislike for female characters that display the same characteristics. Maybe it's unfair, but I find Temperance boring. I don't buy the famous author part of her character. I hate her ignorance of pop culture. Her nasal voice annoys me. However, I love ALL the other characters. And I adore Angela. She's beautiful and warm and delightful to look at. If I were a man, I think I'd be drooling. And she so likes Booth. Shallow!me want to see Booth/Angela. Yup. As for epi 2.09 I really enjoyed the interaction of the characters, the case (not always so), the gifts that were exchanged. Lovely.
House seems to have run into a problem. It's like an arms race. One week, House does something outrageous, something they have to top the week after. Soon the writers are going to run out of reasonably plausible outrageous things he can do. What will happen then? What will House do next? Break into Cuddy's desk? Sleep with Wilson's wife? I for one would be glad if the doctor-as-detective-fighting-sickness-instead-of-crime mystery formula would make a comeback. House is the Sherlock Holmes of medicine, complete with the drug addiction, his doc friend, bumbling rival investigators, boredom, etc. but unlike Holmes he has no moral compass. Save the patient at all cost is no moral compass, it's a crusade. Holmes wasn't exactly renowned for his empathy, but he kept Watson around as his good conscience. House is much more a loose cannon, has too much Moriarty in him. It's actually getting irritating. I am a great fan of friendship stories, and I feel that Holmes/Watson works better than House/Wilson...
As for the latest developments on Veronica Mars - can I just say whoa? Because the last few epis have been stellar. Fantastic television. Even Duncan has grown on me. And while I can do without Wallace I do know that other fans will be glad to have him back. I just wish we'd find out more about Weevil and the less shiny and rich parts of Neptune.
Dear Santa, give me more Logan and Weevil in upcoming episodes. Thanks in advance, yours Estepheia.