BtVS/AtS - Spike/Ethan - slash, PG13 - post-NFA (set in the "I Spy"-verse; all you need to know is that Ethan is blind and owns a pub in London, and Spike is his a-little-more-than-a-fuck buddy)
deborahm Welcome to my Life Tattoo
“The last time I got matching tattoos I ended up pouring acid over mine,” Ethan muses, tracing the sore symbol on his wrist with Braille-sensitive fingertips.
“That embarrassing?” Spike absently taps the Marlboro pack until it yields two cigarettes. “What did it say? ‘Eternal Love?’”
“Nothing so trite.” Ethan moves to leave the bed and reaches for his Ray Charles shades.
Belatedly connecting the dots, Spike grabs his wrist. “Rupert had his chance.” He rubs his thumb over the tattoo. “How much longer you gonna cry over water under the bridge?”
The pause lasts a whole minute.
“Nevermore,” Ethan says.