11 Questions

Dec 15, 2011 23:47

In answer to Nuranar's tag:

The rules:
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
3. You have to choose 11 people to tag.
4. No tag backs.

1. What was one of the best Christmas presents you have ever received? The set of Hobbit and Lord of the Rings books.
2. What was your first car, and how long did it last for you? A DAF, and due to an accident, I only had it a few months.
3. What's your favorite comedian or comedy team from early film/TV (through 1960)? Laurel and Hardy
4. What non-winter-time holidays do you decorate for? Easter
5. Preferred habitat: Urban, suburban, or rural, and why? Suburban - quieter than in the city, but near enough to have the cultural and shopping advantages.
6. Austen or Brontë? Austen!
7. Would you prefer to have a wonderful singing voice, or to play your musical instrument of choice as a master? I’m a pianist, so the latter.
8. What was your least-favorite book read this year? As I can now read purely for pleasure, that doesn’t apply!
9. Would you rather garden or cook? Cook. (I’m not crazy about cooking, but even less so about gardening!)
10. Sew or knit/crochet? Sew, though I have done a bit of knitting again recently.
11. Fires: Wood fireplace, wood stove, gas logs, chiminea, fire pit, or other? We have a fireplace now, but I prefer the tiled stove we used to have. It provides much more warmth!

I don't know if anyone actually still reads my blog here, as I don't keep it up much, so I'll wait to see if there are comments in order to know whom to tag! My 11 questions:

(to be cont'd)
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