More strange dreams...

Feb 05, 2008 11:01

I really did have very bizarre dreams last night--not at all in the same way as last time though. For one thing, they were in color and they didn't seem to have the actors from LTelV. It was still very creepy though, because it was as if I had tuned into Dantoniste World. Maxime and Éléonore were still there, as I've never had a dream about the Revolution without them, but the only other people in it were Dantonistes. And they were all doing very random things, like:

There was one part of it in which Desmoulins was doing a rather convincing rabbit imitation. (You know, the hopping and the nose twitching and all...) Presumably this was for the benefit of the several small children that had latched on to him (I'm assuming they were Horace and the probably Danton's kids, but you never know O.O).

There was another part where they were all outside on this big pavillion decked with tricolor ribbons and they were all taking turns dancing to this very lively fiddling. (As I remember, it was Danton and his wife--not sure which one--first, then the Desmoulins, then Maxime and Éléonore...) I'm not sure what they were all doing there together without the rest of the Montagne: it was very creepy. And then when Maxime and Éléonore were dancing, Fabre d'Églantine came and sat with the Desmoulins and started singing "Il pleut bergère," which didn't at all go with the music that was being played for the dancing. But they seemed *really* fascinated by his singing nonetheless--to the point that they were gaping at him in wonder. O.o;

And then there was another part that was much more cute, but didn't make any more sense. Maxime and Éléonore were riding somewhere in a coach (I really have no idea where or why) and they were obviously talking about something very important--I think it might have been something about the Dantonistes, in the time leading up to their arrest. But they weren't really taking it too seriously, oddly enough. What I imagine to be about every thirty seconds or so in dream time, they kept looking out the windows to see if anyone was watching them, and then kissing if they decided that no one was. It was also strange and random, just because I had no idea where they were going or what they were so happy about. >__>

There was a lot more to the dream, but I can't really remember it--just that it was all very strange and Maxime and Éléonore were the only Robespierristes in it. I must say I found it particularly odd that Le Bas wasn't in it, considering I just translated a lot of his correspondance last night. O.o; Not to mention the fact that, it would take crack to make a dream as random and weird as that and Le Bas is, as far as I know the only Revolutionary crack dealer.


And then today they've put the scaffold up at my school, which means they're running that horrible, ghastly reenactment again. If I believed that dreams could be omens I might wonder why on earth everyone was so happy in the dream I've just described. Perhaps I've just finally cracked. -__-;

....Anyway, does anyone have any ideas of what I might do to sabotage the reenactment, or at least it's message? Pamphlets, maybe?

camille desmoulins, le bas, reenactment, robespierre, random, éléonore duplay, dream

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