(no subject)

Mar 03, 2012 22:34

Went to a baby shower today with my husband's side of the family and I laughed way too much and too loudly (I do that when I'm nervous) and outed myself as an atheist to a room full of hardcore Mormons. I'm so socially awkward. I should never leave the house.

Movies watched so far this year:
1. Wuthering Heights--2011 version. Liked this but I don't think I would have known what was going on if I didn't already know the plot. A very different version than previous WH movies.
2. Iron Lady--I thought this was laughably bad and camp. Meryl Streep's Margaret Thatcher was every bit as over the top as Faye Dunaway's Joan Crawford...and then she won the Oscar. I despair.
3. Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory--Oscar nominated documentary. I sort of remember hearing about this case from 1993 but never really looked into it. Watched the third in the HBO series of documentaries on the West Memphis 3 and then watched the previous two shortly after. Scarier than any horror movie. A terrible crime and the aftermath. Highly recommended.
4. Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills
5. Paradise Lost: Revelations
6. Shame--Apparently I need to see every movie Carey Mulligan is in. Michael Fassbender leaves me cold.
7. Higher Ground--A little indie movie with no big stars. Kinda enjoyable story about a woman who struggles with her religious faith.
8. The Vicious Kind--Another little indie from 2009. I really loved this movie about being attracted to people you should not be attracted to. Adam Scott was repulsive in this, yet still attractive which proves the theme. Heh.
9. In the Land of Blood and Honey--Sad love story set during the Bosnian war. I was at a prime age to know what was going on during that war (I was 22-25 years old), yet I barely knew the basics of who was involved and the war crimes committed.
10. My Week With Marilyn--This was awesome. Loved every second of it.
11. The Woman in Black--Scary, but the scares are kind of cheap, like the scares you get at an amusement park haunted house. I loved the set design but the plot was lacking.

family, mormonism, movie tally 2012

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