QaF Spoilers...

Jan 16, 2004 23:38

...courtesy of sweet_caramel39 (Brian and Justin Spoilers Yahoo Group)

~ 401 ~

B/J discuss how much money Brian owes. Rage has sold 3,000 copies
over the 'net. Justin offers $ to Brian who refuses.

J: I thought we were partners.
B: We are

B/J at Babylon. J wants to pay for B's drink (who refuses). They
go to backroom where J is telling Brian about how Brian never
accepts help, how he helps everyone else and never asks for anything
in return.

Justin: Hey Todd, how's it going?

Todd: Fine [BTW, Todd is apparently in his usual *position*] Heh.

J continues on about B always having to be in control, always have
to be on top. Brian says he knows and turns J against the wall and
pulls his pants down.

Rita confronts Ben in front of his apartment, demanding to know
where Hunter and Mikey are. Ben tells her Hunter ran away. She has
a custody hearing on Tues. and she threatens to have the cops
arrest Mikey for contributing to the delinquency of a minor or

Em is still living with M/L. Girls admit to him that Teddy is in
rehab and Em should visit him.

Mikey/Hunter are in a rundown motel on the run and have no money and
have run out of food. Can't use credit card (because of tracking
purposes). Ben calls Mikey and tells him about Rita. Hunter gives
a trucker a bj for $ (that's why Mikey is so mad). "I risked
EVERYTHING for you." He tells Hunter they are going home and he
wants Hunter to be a normal teen living a normal life. Ben has no
idea where they are.

Vance offers Brian his job back but wants him to sign a "non-
competition" form. Brian refuses...says the major clients were
clients he brought to Vanguard.

Ted in rehab and admits in group counseling that he was gang banged
and doesn't even know if they guys wore condoms.

Em comes to rehab to visit Ted who are interrupted by Blake (he and
Ted were going to do lunch)

Rodney is in this episode.

Brian needed the 'vette because he's on a mission to drum up
business for his! He meets with Iconics rep., Leo
Brown and the guy from Fraley's Steakhouse.

Mel has petitioned the court to act as Hunter's attorney in his case
against his mother. [God help us all]

Justin names Brian's agency "Kinnetic." (yeah, that's
right...two "n"s.)

Only one sex scene in 401. Ben/Mikey.

Justin has a key to the LOFT! Brian is putting the loft on the
market and Jennifer is his agent.

Ted leaves rehab early (miserably depressed, wants to die). Called
on his shit by Em.

Vic gets a postcard from Michaelangelo (guy he met at a gathering in
the woods...). That's right! Vic is the one to blame for
the "fairy cult" thing Em goes to. Says it's a "healing

Mel loses case against Rita Montgomery who wins custody of
Hunter...or does she! Hold up. Hunter kisses her on the mouth,
informs her he's HIV+ and she LOSES IT! Cusses, wipes her mouth,
spews venom. Needless to say, Hunter is allowed to leave with

The benefit at Woody's is for Brian where he is given money (which
he accepts).

A drag queen performs at the benefit (Stage name is either Shaundra
Leer or Chandelier - LOL!) Real name is Darrin.

Justin tells Darrin that "Shaundra Leer/Chandelier" worked it!

Homophobes beat the shit out of drag queen who is left, face down,
in an alley.

~ 402 ~

Justin and Darrin discuss their respective bashings. Apparently,
Justin tried not to think about his bashing. He can only draw for
about 15 mins. before his hand starts shaking.

Mikey agrees to accompany Em to the fairy cult.

Ted goes back to rehab. Ted "graduates" from rehab.

Brian is working the phone and blowing off a headhunter (he didn't
get the business from Iconics, Brown Sportswear or the Steakhouse)
while *working* Justin over.

Cynthia comes to the loft to show an ad Vance has stolen from Brian
that he's going to pitch to another client. Cynthia wants him to
pitch "his idea", steal the client and rehire his *assistant*. heh.

Mikey is "Dumpling" at the Fairy Cult thing and his outfit is a kilt.

Nude volleyball...indeed. The playing is indeed GAWDAWFUL! Mikey
joins in the fun.

GLC is organizing to find the assholes who bashed Darrin/Shanda
Leer. People suggest asking for more cops, going to the mayor,
putting a whistle around your neck and blowing, etc.. Cody is at
the meeting and whistles LOUDLY. His impassioned plea to form their
own group (a posse? said by Lindsay) to protect themselves is
discussed. Justin is intrigued.

Darrin's bashers are caught based on Darrin's eyewitness report.

Brian is trying to drum up business for Kinnetic by pimping to Torso
and the gym.

Vance pitches Brian's idea on HIV+ pill to prospective clients.
He's interrupted by Brian [who just butts into the meeting that he
apparently set up in the first place]. He takes over the meeting
and pitches his own idea which is based on honesty.

Darrin has second thoughts about looking at the line-up of his
attackers. He and Justin get into an argument over it and Darrin
forces Justin to consider the consequences of his bashing and Chris
Hobbs getting off basically scott-free.

Ted and blake are *reconnecting* as friends.

Justin is frustrated and angrily drawing pictures. He and Brian
discuss his agitation. He's mad about the cowardice of fags and not
standing up for themselves.

Focus group (HIV+ people) are shown ads from Vance and ads from
Brian (while Brian and prospective client) watch thru a black
screen. Focus group *hates* Brian's ad.

Brian, Em, Mikey and Ben at Babylon. Em feels liberated after fairy
cult. Mikey had a great time also. Brian gets *Remson
Pharmaceutical* account and the boys celebrate.

Cody preaches to his disciples at Woody's. Cody Vail/Bell (?) is
his name. Justin joins vigilante kick some straight ass.


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