Live Journal User Survey *abridged version ; )*

Sep 08, 2003 10:52

You stole this from: roxx--who I seem to steal a lot of stuff from. ; )

LJ user...

...with the coolest username: youwillburn Moderator at boy-touching

...with the coolest userpics: sandelwood--her Steerpike icon is the best I've seen in the 6 months I've trolled Live Journal.

...with the cutest username: powerchick and i_dream_in_pink

...with the coolest layout: Teehee--hot fellas = cool layouts to me, so I'll say: deadbetty with her Curt Wild well as rougevelvet (Placebo-touching) and liasantana (Brian Kinney in your FACE!). I also get a thrill from white_russian and satanne with their Ioan-themed goodness. powerchick's JRM layout is like Zen.

...most likely to comment in your journal: deadbetty rougevelvet and glittergoldmine <3 last added: sinewa Hi sweets! first added: deadbetty

Who seems to be on ALL your friends' lists: The Jonathan Rhys Meyers Fansite Fangirls. They give me a false sense that Jonny really is taking over the world. ; )

What's the longest you've gone without posting to LJ since the day you signed up: It's no secret I'm not much of an updater, so I could go weeks without doing that...but I tag other journals obsessively.

How many of your LJ friends do you know in "real life": Erm...none.

Who is the most intelligent or insightful person you know on LJ: deadbetty deals with a lot of issues I can personally relate to and sandelwood and rowanmayfair always have something to say that gets my mind temporarily out of the gutter. Luckily, they enjoy the gutter too, though. ; )

Which one is the funniest: sandelwood has me lmao on a daily basis. She can rant like no other....and I adore dark humor and sarcasm.

Which one has an attitude problem: Other than myself-estella7 and my Dubya-bashing...I'd say roxx and sandelwood--and I love them for it. I wouldn't call it a problem at all, just righteous anger. ; )

Which one is the sweetest: deadbetty--no contest. ; )

Who's the prettiest/cutest: I've seen semi-recent pics of glittergoldmine, rougevelvet deadbetty, rowanmayfair, silvergaze powerchick and sandelwood--gorgeous, the lot of them! I don't believe I've seen pics of the others.

Who's the oldest: silkn1?

Who's the youngest: blackmettalic?

Most like you: deadbetty

meme, lj

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