Title: Long tail on a ghost
Goldfinger Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: Swearing, violence in the way of shooting and threatening grievous bodily harm with a laser gun, light m/m. Also, possible crack? I’m not sure, it’s so hard to tell with this lot.
Spoilers: Set during season 2 prior to Reset with vague reference to Fragments, as well as some references from the books, but overall nothing explicit. Pretty much the entire framework for Goldfinger, though oddly enough not the real plot.
Length: 23,836
Disclaimer: Torchwood and its characters belong to Russell T Davies and the BBC. James Bond and ‘Goldfinger’ was created by Ian Fleming and is licensed to his estate, Gildrose Productions, and MGM studios. Original screenplay by Richard Maibaum and Paul Dehn. No profit is being made form this and no copyright infringement is intended.
Beta: The brilliant and always supportive sierrazen, and my friend abbi, who do their best to keep my grammar in line.
A/N: Written for the
reel_torchwood challenge. This is my first foray into fanfiction and frankly I think I got in way over my head. It just got so wildly out of hand, I don’t even know. I was partly inspired by an episode of Futurama so I guess that’s hardly surprising. The title and part headings came straight from the book. Comments appreciated and please, be honest and unmerciful, it’s the only way I’ll learn.
Summary: When gold bodies start turning up all over Cardiff, Ianto gets the feeling he’s seen it somewhere before.
PDF can be found
On LJ -
Part 1.1 Part 1.2 Part 2.1 Part 2.2 Part 2.3 Part 3.1 Part 3.2 Part 3.3 Part 3.4 If anyone would prefer a html doc, just let me know.