Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 20, 2018 13:51

Dear Yuletide writer,

it's that time of the year again! Yuletide is always the highlight of my fannish year, and I hope you're going to have fun with this!

As I'm the sort of writer who loves getting prompts in an exchange, I've tried to list several different prompts/scenarios for all my requested canons, but if those don't appeal to you or you'd rather have more freedom in what to write, I'm also going to list my general likes and fave tropes as well as my DNWs at the end of this letter.

I have also signed up for Yuleporn, Crueltide, IF and Wrapping Paper. :)
Also, I ship all of the people I requested, so many of the prompts are shippy or porny. In case you don't ship them, please let me reassure you that I'd also be more than happy with non-shippy fic! What I'm mainly into is having my faves interact, so whether they make out or solve a case together is both guaranteed to make me very very happy. It's really all about the emotional connection for me - as long as they care about each other deeply (or dislike each other passionately for the foeyay pairings) I promise I'm going to love it!

Les Misérables (Dallas 2014)
Javert, Jean Valjean

Where do I even start! One of my biggest regrets in life is that I never got to see the Dallas production live on stage. Fortunately, there are bootlegs! (I assume that anyone who offered Dallas for an exchange has seen the boot, but just in case someone stumbles across my letter and is curious let me link you to this full-length video [part 1 | part 2], and also my Dallas tag for lots of reblogged gifs and some meta/interviews etc.)

Also, if you're ok with downloading huge files, let me share these HQ bootlegs with you:

Dallas - 2 August 2014 (this is the same video as on youtube)
5.58 GB VOB
Nehal Joshi, Edward Watts, Allison Blackwell, Justin Keyes, Elizabeth Judd, Dorcas Leung, John Campione, Steven Michael Walters, Christia Mantzke, Jude Mason!O0U2HCoR!a2eaNvITuVeTUS--ptH8rQ

Dallas - 5 August 2014 (Highlights)
8.73 GB MP4
Nehal Joshi (Valjean), Edward Watts (Javert), Allison Blackwell (Fantine), Steven Michael Walters (Thenardier), Christia Mantzke (Mme. Thenardier), Justin Keyes (Marius), Dorcas Leung (Cosette), Elizabeth Judd (Eponine), John Campione (Enjolras), Alex Organ (Grantaire), Salma Salinas (Little Cosette), Mark Hancock (Gavroche).
Highlights only (~2 hours running time). Shot blind with no zooms.!w9BygbpC!ksvnt08CuVyUEdY9S25qww

I have so many Dallas feels! This is one of my returning requests (which is why this section is so long, sorry, the prompts add up over the years /o\) because there is so much to explore, and one of the most fascinating things for me is to see how different people interpret the Dallas universe - is it present day USA? A near-future dystopian France? - and see the different character voices.

I love Javert’s canon kinky leather coat and leather gloves. I love his huge gun. I love the way that he seems so much more dispassionate than any other Javert, and that this includes casually watching some police violence in Toulon from his vantage point at the top. I’m very fond of the fanon Wattsvert who has a long list of kinks and a room full of sextoys/a laptop full of porn, but I’d be just as interested in a Wattsvert who is such a workaholic that he never really thinks about sex. And while I ship these two, I’d also be happy about genfic, the thing that I love most is the intensity of their relationship, whether sexual or not.

And in return, Nehaljean is so much more emotional than any other Valjean! I love his expressive eyes, the way he smiles and laughs and touches people, the way he changes from the aggression of the prologue to that heart-breaking gentleness later on!

My letter has a list of general likes, dislikes and porn likes, but here are some prompts that will hopefully be helpful:

- a fandom AU! Did Valjean once fail to post his exchange fic, and exchange mod Javert has been hunting him down ever since? Maybe Javert starts RPing with fandom newbie Madeleine and can’t help but feel suspicious at the way their writing style is so similar? (Does Javert constantly want to RP criminal AUs in the hope that this time, sexily arresting Madeleine’s character will make him confess?) Or maybe Madeleine is the beloved BNF of Javert’s fandom, but Javert is almost certain that he recognizes Valjean from his dark past of writing embarrassing self-inserts? Honestly absolutely anything would make me happy here because I love the thought of Wattsvert as an obsessive, neurotic fandom personality. :D
- Since this is one of the few canons where they have the freedom to travel easily, I’d also be really interested in seeing them explore other parts of France (or the world?). Whether that means that Javert hunts Valjean all the way to the top of the Eiffel Tower or the beach in Southern Francel, or whether they go on a honeymoon trip to a lonely island etc, is all up to you. :D (Or maybe they get shipwrecked on their honeymoon cruise?)
- going undercover in a gay club/bdsm club/general kink exploration because Wattsvert in his leather outfit lends himself so well to it and I can’t help but think that he’d feel in his element the more rules he gets to make up/negotiate.
- In general any sort of kink exploration with these two because I’m fascinated how that would go with their differing personalities and how they’d make it work for themselves
- anonymous sex/glory holes etc. where Javert doesn’t know or perhaps suspects that it’s maybe Valjean he’s having sex with (or the other way around)
- any sort of Virtual Reality setup/AU, whether you use it for gen or porn scenarios!
- Sharing a Partner with Friends - because Wattsvert would totally get off on watching that. I think this would go well together with the “Visiting a Kink Club” tag, too - maybe Wattsvert likes offering Valjean’s mouth to his friends?
- I'm always intrigued by the idea of their positions getting reversed: the Amis take Valjean for the spy, and don't realize that Javert is. Or what would happen if Javert just refused to leave when Valjean frees him? Surely Valjean wouldn't shoot him - so what if Javert sticks around for the final battle and the aftermath? And when the SWAT team attacks, surely they wouldn't recognize Javert in his spy outfit. What if he gets injured - or Valjean gets injured? Would they try to save each other?
- A Queer Eye crossover because the thought of Wattsvert getting a makeover is just so utterly hilarious. Obviously he would have a not-so-well-hidden box of kinky leather and sex toys! Does he get gently encouraged to wear some patterned shirts instead of the leather coat? Does he get encouraged to share his kinky fantasies with his boyfriend? Will poor Nehaljean have to suffer through a final party in a house that’s full of Javert’s co-workers and cameras (his greatest nightmare!) PLUS an on-camera confession about the things Wattsvert would like to do to him?
- Javert and Valjean texting (sexting?) Or does Javert send his boss a dickpic by accident when he meant to send it to Valjean? Did pre-Derailment Javert somehow get Valjean's number and keeps texting him while he tries to find out where he's hiding? Do they perhaps get closer to each other despite Javert telling himself that he is texting a criminal?)
- awkward first times/domesticity: actual curtainfic shopping at Ikea together, Javert taking what legal steps are necessary to acquire a pardon for his bf Valjean, a first holiday together, or Javert introducing his bf to his co-workers
- Valjean cannot flee and Javert is present for the scene where Patron-Minette rips Valjean's shirt open
- Valjean keeps working out wearing really short shorts that drive Javert crazy

In general, if terrible things happen to Valjean, it's fine if the cause is either Javert or some other character; if terrible things happen to Javert, I prefer for it to not be done by Valjean. If you want to write bdsm or d/s, I usually think of Javert as switchy but prefer him as dom to Valjean's sub.

DNW: gore (by which I mean I don't enjoy descriptions of gruesome dismemberment, but I'm fine with detailed descriptions of whippings etc.), horror, kidfic, genderswap, modern/mundane AUs unless prompted

American Gods (TV)
Salim, The Jinn

I love Salim and the Jinn so much and basically all I want is what canon gave us but MORE OF IT! :D Which makes it hard to prompt because we only got that one scene, but I'd love to see more of their life/relationship, however you think that might develop.

How would they pick things up after their one night together? What could their future be? Or a Groundhog Day scenario could be so fun here! I’d also love fic set in the future, showing their meeting - or a life (relationship?) post-meeting? Or fic about Salim on his way to the jinn! Maybe there is some other supernatural force interfering/some sort of challenge he or the jinn have to face before they can be together? Or maybe you want to write them happily settling down, or a pwp, or a lazy morning in bed, or the first time they go out on a date? I'd also love more of the sort of canonical adventures we get to see, and I wonder what the roadtrip would be like if the jinn was also in that car - or if Laura and Sweeney were still with Salim when he finds him?

And if you're not into shippy content about these two, I would also be very happy about fic focusing just on one of them - something about Salim's past, or more of Salim's present, from the confusing new life in NYC to the weird road trip he's taking. Likewise, I'd also love more backstory for the jinn - have there been others like Salim before? Or what is he up to right now, while Salim is on his road trip?

DNW: gore (by which I mean I don't enjoy descriptions of gruesome dismemberment, but I'm fine with detailed descriptions of whippings etc.), horror, kidfic, genderswap, modern/mundane AUs unless prompted

Les Misérables (1952)
Javert, Jean Valjean, Robert, Genflou

The 1952 universe is so fascinating to me because it does so many weird changes - to setting, to plot, to character - and yet together they form a really entertaining whole. I'm endlessly intrigued by this lanky, handsome version of Valjean who doesn't guiltily hide himself away but seems to have an entire social life in Morvin that includes hanging out in the local inn and having his bf Robert who knows everything about him including his past. I love Robert for being such a lovely, chill bear who loves his Valjean so much, who raises his daughter for him, happily moves to Paris for him, runs his business, keeps his secret and is so openly married in all but name to him that the people of Morvin go to him when they want their mayor to do something. Genflou on the other hand intrigues me because of his self-serving charm and the way he manipulates people - and not always just for his own gain, like that moment when he makes Valjean save the convict's life when the galley's hit by the storm. And then there's 1952 Javert, who's so openly smug and scheming in Arras, who seems to have a special relationship with his hat in the sewers, and who's a special kind of obsessive even for a Javert.

I would love any and all combinations of these characters, so even though I have selected all four, please don't feel like you somehow need to squeeze them all into a story. I do ship them, in combinations of Valjean/Genflou, Valjean/Robert, Valjean/Javert, Valjean/Robert/Javert and even Valjean/Robert/Javert/Genflou, but I'd also be happy with genfic - what I'm most interested in is the way these characters interact!

And if you need additional inspiration, I have just found the 1952 audio drama which adds even more entertainment to this canon by using Robert as the narrator.

Here are some prompts:
- I love the initial arm wrestling Valjean/Robert encounter. It's just such a weird scene - Valjean happily breaking anything in the shop, only to apparently win Robert's unending love and loyalty by arm wrestling him into submission. Does Robert maybe secretly try to arm wrestle Javert out of pursuing Valjean/Madeleine? Is there a local arm wrestling custom where the winner wins a day with the mayor? Did Genflou teach Valjean how to arm wrestle in the galleys?
- This canon gives us literal galleys, and I'd LOVE shipwreck fic where Valjean and Genflou, Valjean and Javert, or all three of them end up stranded on a deserted island. :D
- Post-Seine fic with these particular characters! I'd be so intrigued how this would go, given that Valjean is basically married to Robert and living with him and Cosette. How would a policeman rescued from the Seine fit into this life/relationship? Or another former galley-slave?
- Anything that explores those initial scenes in Marseilles, whether you have Genflou teaching Valjean about prison/galley life, seducing newcomer Valjean, playing some sort of cat-and-mouse game with Javert, or maybe bringing Javert's father into the mix?
- Tentacles! Maybe it was a huge tentacle monster that caused the ship to almost sink?
- A suspicious Javert rips Madeleine's shirt/cravat open in Morvin to find a final proof (presumably Robert is not there to intervene - or he comes too late and finds Javert and Valjean with his ripped shirt?)
- Javert uses some sort of supernatural/occult means to help in his hunt for Valjean (maybe some perversion of a soulbond that lets him feel Valjean's or Robert's emotions/thoughts?)
- Javert scratches a J onto Valjean's chest in a fit of possessive passion (which they can both feel guilty about later - or maybe they won't?) And what will Robert think about it - or was he present for it?
- Shaving kink - this would work with any combination of these characters!
- Any loyalty kink scenario - I love how much Robert and Valjean are prepared to sacrifice for each other, and Genflou's attempts to protect Valjean at the court in Arras - and obviously Javert's own fanatic focus on Valjean has a possessive angle as well that would lead to intense loyalty in a Post-Seine setting, I think
- Self-sacrifice: Maybe Valjean is forced to trade sexual favours in order to protect Robert? Or to gain access to food/medication/other favours in Toulon? For Genflou? Or maybe because Genflou is trading him out?
- Whipping. This movie gave us Valjean suffering beautifully as he is whipped in the prologue. I feel there should be more of this, no matter when/how/where!
- The adventures of Javert and his sentient hat! After all, it seems to be Javert's hat who manages to hunt down Valjean in the sewer...
- a sci-fi or pirate AU given that we have actual ships here - Genflou would make such a good, suave (space) pirate captain!

DNW: gore (by which I mean I don't enjoy descriptions of gruesome dismemberment, but I'm fine with detailed descriptions of whippings etc.), horror, kidfic, genderswap, modern/mundane AUs unless prompted

Broadway RPF
Ramin Karimloo, Will Swenson, Ed Watts, Nehal Joshi

OK, prompting for RPF is HARD. First off, I requested all four characters but definitely don’t expect them all together in one fic. I’d be happy with fic about either Ramin and Will or Ed and Nehal! I've collected their most hilarious moments in my social media tag and my RPF hell tag. This site has links to all the vlogs, and here are my general tags for gifs, pics, videos etc: Ramin Karimloo, Will Swenson, Nehal Joshi, Ed Watts.

I'm always super into fic that plays with the "canon" we have, i.e. something that takes place during the run of a show like Les Mis, Anastasia etc, or some of the hilarious social media content we got. For example, I'd be totally into a scenario where Will shows up as a surprise guest in the audience during one of Ramin's recent London shows! (Maybe to join him for his I Am A Pirate King - and then also join him in his dressing room? ;)) I'm also really into seasonal stuff, so give me lots of snow, snuggling in front of a fire - or getting snowed in/having to huddle for warmth? :D

Other tropes I’d love to see include handcuffed together, fake dating, arranged marriage or marriage of convenience, fantasy/history/sci-fi AUs, stuck together in an elevator, tattoos/piercings, casefic, epistolary fic, or rehearsals getting unexpectedly sexy or intense!

DNW: no bashing/killing RL wives/girlfriends. I like all of them a lot, so either pretend they don't exist or that they're okay with everything that happens. No non-con/dub-con for this particular fandom either, and no gore, darkfic, horror, kidfic, genderswap, modern/mundane AUs unless prompted.

General likes:

  • Forced intimacy of any kind! This is one of my all-time faves, in any sort of situation or scenario. People thrust into closeness before they are ready for it and forced to overcome their differences is always delightful to me. Any tropefic of the handcuffed-togther, bed-sharing, undercover gay, arranged marriage etc. kind is always going to make me happy!
  • Huddling for warmth
  • One character trying to protect another with their own life (or really any sort of loyalty kink!)
  • Enemies forced to work together
  • Epistolary fic
  • Hand-feeding
  • Hot, sweltering summer days/nights
  • Bathing/washing - especially if one character is taking care of another
  • Casefic, or any sort of action/adventure scenario where characters have to work together
  • Enemies to lovers
  • Emotional vulnerability
  • Groundhog Day AUs
  • Unhealthy/co-dependent relationships

Porn/kink likes:
  • Enemy hatesex
  • enemies to lovers
  • BDSM and D/s
  • spanking
  • messy sex/comeplay
  • powerplay
  • noncon/dubcon
  • size kink
  • tentacles
  • slavefic/auctions
  • chastity kink
  • virginity kink
  • marks on skin
  • clothes porn
  • shame in sexual desires
  • overstimulation
  • watersports
  • my Smutswap letter for a more exhaustive list of kinks... :D

Entry originally posted to DW: (
comments). Comments are welcome in either place.

exchanges, yuletide

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