Aug 05, 2005 23:17
Someone sent me this via email:
"I was in a chat room and saw something horrible. Two people
were talking about how black people suck. They called them "niggers" and "jungle babies" and
they said that they multiply like crazy just to get a welfare check every month. This is important.
I want to get 1000 signatures on here. If you are not a racist, then please sign it. If you are a
racist, don't sign it. Get a life instead. Think about it it’s so sick! Send it to as many people as you
can. If you don't send this you will not have bad luck, but you will have to live with the guilt that
you hate someone because they are different. Think before you delete this. Please send this to at
least one person. Thanks. Copy all the words then paste them on a blank e-mail and add your
name. "
Included was a list of 131 names.
Well, I didn't add my name or forward the list, because frankly I don't think an email petition will help much. However, racism is, I agree, a horrible, horrible thing. So is sexism; so is homophobia; so is thinking about someone a certain way because of their looks or ethnicity.
"Black people have lots of kids just to get a welfare check"
is as bad as
"Women are weak and can't do anything"
is as bad as
"Gay people are bad people"
is as bad as
"Blondes are all incredibly stupid"
is as bad as
"All Muslims are terrorists"
is as bad as
"Ugly people are dumb"
is as bad as
"Handicapped/'retarded' people don't care what I say about them"
is as bad as
"All Asian people are really smart"
is as bad as
"Socialists are the embodiment of evil"
is as bad as
"Boys who don't like sports are wussies"
is as bad as
"Catholics are mindless, bigoted jerks"
is as bad as
"Non-Catholics are incurably bad people unless they accept Jesus into their lives"
is as bad as
"Everyone who isn't white with blond hair or blue eyes is scum".
And a million other generalisations that people make are just as awful.
I'll be adding more of these stereotypes as I think of them or am given them. Feel free to comment.
political stuff,
religious stuff