Ahaha! Slashy memage!

Dec 25, 2006 23:07

Gacked from audny_albatross.

Top 10 Pairings Overall

1. Sparrington (PotC) - I don't know why, but I love thems. They are wonderful together.

2. Batman/Joker - I think this is just an amazingly entertaining and vaguely logical concept. Please note: nobody ever said it couldn't be one-sided. Incidentally, I indirectly blame Michael for this. Also Alan Moore.

3. V/Evey (V For Vendetta) - I really can't mess with this one. Honestly.

4. Valerie/Ruth (V For Vendetta) - I know they barely get any time, but...

5. Spirk (Star Trek:TOS) - This one's practically canon, and it works so well...

6. Crowley/Aziraphale (Good Omens) - Heh. They're darlings, aren't they?

7. Sirius/Remus (Harry Potter) - I'm sorry, Audny, but I loffs them.

8. Qui-gon/Obi-wan (Star Wars prequels) - It's the Liam Neeson factor.

9. Alberich/Crathach (Valdemar) - I haven't actually read or written any, but it's a nice concept.

10. Vanyel/Tylendel (Valdemar) - They were adorable while they lasted...

Top 5 Threesomes

1. Jack/Norrington/Will (PotC) - Because Sparrington plus one more is even more fun.

2. Jack/Will/Elizabeth (PotC) - It's such a logical solution...!

3. Groves/Gillette/Norrington (PotC) - Heehee. Naval Threesome.

4. Sirius/Remus/James (Harry Potter) - Why not?

5. Will/Norrington/Elizabeth (PotC) - Again, why not? Hmm. Characters from PotC seem very threesome-able.

Top 5 Canon Pairings

1. V/Evey (VFV) - I told you, I can't mess with this one.

2. Valerie/Ruth (VFV) - They're lesbians. They're canon. What's not to like?

3. Vanyel/Tylendel (Valdemar) - Eh.

4. Alanna/George (Tamora Pierce) - What can I say? I love George.

5. Mitsuo/Hasunuma (Eerie Queerie) - Uh... Yay shounen-ai?

Top 5 "Not my favorite, but they're very nice alternate choices" Pairings

1. Turrow (PotC) - Jack is so damn slashable.

2. Gillette/Norrington (PotC)

3. Holmes/Watson (Sherlock Holmes) - I used to be really into this pairing. Then I kinda stopped...

4. Jackichu/Norrizard (PotC!crack) - Because crack!pairings are totally different. Right. Yeah.

5. Goku/Vegeta (Dragonball Z) - I read some of this when I still ventured into the Pit of Voles...

Top 5 Pedophilic Pairings (Because we all have them...)

1. Qui-gon/Obi-wan (Star Wars) - ... Why are you looking at me like that?! *hides*

2. V/Evey (movieverse VFV) - Because V's been doing this for twenty years, which probably makes him at least 40, and Evey's how old again? Actually, I think it's more pedophilic in the comicverse, because Evey starts out 16 in that.

3. Jack/Will (PotC) - Jack's at least twice Will's age. Seriously. Maybe it's not technically pedophilic, because Will's like 18, but it should count. >.>

4. Daine/Numair (Tamora Pierce) - Since I was introduced to them before slash, this is one het pairing that has remained unsullied in my mind.

5. Darth Maul/Obi-wan (Star Wars crack!fic) - Because it's so damn funny. Note that I specified crack!fic.

Top 5 "wtf that makes no sense... but I LOVE it!" Pairings

1. Batman/Joker - Heh. See previous note.

2. Goku/Vegeta (DBZ) - See previous note about seeing previous note.

3. Most LotR slash - Guilty pleasure fics.

4. Spock/McCoy (Star Trek:TOS) - Very entertaining, but completely illogical.

5. Tia Dalma/Elizabeth (PotC) - I actually beta'd one of these, and while it's not as WTF? as some of these, I think it should count (because I have no ideas!)

Top 5 "I just don't feel what everyone else is feelin'" Pairings

1. Frodo/Sam (LotR) - Somehow I got this idea into my head that Frodo and Sam could not be slashed?

2. Snape/Harry (Harry Potter) - The only Snarry fic I will read is The Mirror of Maybe. Other than that, I dunno. It's too weird.

3. Legolas slash (LotR) - I have been converted, via WikiFriends, into a passive dislike of Legolas.

4. Batman/Catwoman - It's okay. I just don't really like it that much, y'know?

5. Those cowboys from Brokeback Mountain - I know, canonical adorable gay cowboys. But! While the beginning is good and sweet and cute, they both turn into jerks. And I am a major sucker for fluff. If the fluff goes away? I get turned off of the story.

Top 5 "I hope these die" Pairings

1. Myste/Alberich (Valdemar) - KILL! And it's canon, worse yet. ML even admitted that Myste was a Mary-Sue! Alberich deserves better than that! Blargh. *tears hair out*

2. Sparrabeth (PotC) - No. Just no. He's too good for her! Okay, too slashable. Same difference.

3. Fred/George (Harry Potter) - I despise twincest on principle.

4. Elrohir/Elladan (LotR) - See #3.

5. Firefly slash - Doesn't matter what pairing (unless it involves Inara). Just... don't.

memes, slash

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