Some more of the same...

Apr 12, 2008 01:42

So I've passed a couple of cool landmarks with re-writing Jirale. I've gone past the chapters that thepirateauryn actually drew (she made it halfway through Chapter 10, I just finished Chapter 11) and I've surpassed 50,000 words.

The second fact interests me a lot more, and I really feel like phoning up whoever made NaNoWriMo to tell them that I beat their challenge in a week and a half (though not in November) and that really, their challenge must be for BABIES!!!!

Yeah, sorry, slightly mad with... well, slightly mad. You know how it is.

My chapters had gotten a lot shorter. They were 20 pages each, now they're about 15. I think I'm just getting tired... Also, sometimes I'll look at a sentence and realize it's slightly gibberish (i.e. "He knew that once she hit the ground her warmth would seep away to night."), and am wondering how much of this novel is actually legible.

Still, first draft, so of course there will be mistakes... right?

13. Dreamquake - Elizabeth Knox

Absolutely fantastic set of novels. I really do recommend them to anyone who likes fantasy, though they really aren't your average kind of fantasy. There a lot I'd like to say about the novels, but can't because it would give everything away. Everything's very tied together like that.

Just go buy them! Read them! LOVE THEM!!!

14. Houshin Engi 3 - Ryu Fujisaka

This is something maiji introduced me to sometime back in high school. I bought three of the mangas in Japanese, but translations were way too hard to find, so I kinda of gave up and waited for them to come out in English... which didn't happen until last summer. Since then they've released up to #6, which is awesome, but like a dolt I wait and wait... and then forget to buy them until months after their release.

15. Houshin Engi 4 - Ryu Fujisaka

Oh Taikobo... why can't more heroes be lazy and mean like you?


writing, books

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