An Official Update

Jul 13, 2007 21:51

I like living in the false sense that people actually care to read anything about my life. Being that I haven't posted anything real in here since, oh, February, I thought you guys might like to know what I've been up to. Hm... so what have I been up to?


School is over (as mentioned before), though not before I realized I needed a break from it. So I decided to split my last year into two years. After that I have more school plans (that put me in Australia - Aus/Oz?), but let's not get ahead of myself. Needless to say, I'm in no rush to graduate early. Fuck, I'm only 21.


Well after quiting Benix last January, I lived off my savings for awhile, but I'm now working at the Scarborough Town Centre Black's (you know, the camera store). It's an awesome job and I'm there almost every fucking day, so come by and say hi!

Social life (a.k.a. High Society):

My social life consists of talking to people on MSN and getting stoned... a lot. So, actually, there's no update to my social life.


There's always far more for me to say about my writing and far too few of you who actually care. Nothing publish yet, but there was some interest expressed not too long ago. It was nice, but I haven't heard anything back since. I do not have high hopes there. I've started sending short stories away to literary magazines, something I've been meaning to do since I was 15, but kept putting it off 'till 'later'. So it's officially later. And of course I'm always writing 50 things at a time.

That's all I can really think to talk about. So now I need to go back a few months and start reading my friend's pages, because I have no idea what's been going on with you guys.

(What's been going on with you guys?)

work, randomness, writing

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