May 05, 2010 16:23
Ugh... just found out my stupid summer course had a book list that costs $200. Wh are you trying to fool Drama 2140, you're barely a real class! I wanted to take a trip to New York, but loosing $200 means I might not be able to... dang.
That being said, who would have ever thought I would go to summer school... by choice...?
9. First Meetings - Orson Scott Card
As a long time fan of OSC and the Ender series, it sort of pains me to say that I did not enjoy this collection of short stories very much. The first story I guess made sense, but I didn't really buy. What we saw of Ender's father before never suggested he was this wunderkind, and how come if the rest of his family is so dumb the government thinks they'll be able to breed super-genius Ender? Whatever, I guess it ties up a lose end from Ender's Game. The second story is... more misogynistic tripe. Yeah, they're both pretty bad, but what disturbs me is that I can't figure out if OSC is himself a little bit of a misogynist or if he was just trying to make everyone in the world haters of women. The second story upsets me more because it is stupid... just stupid. Ender's parents meet and within the span of 24 hours decide to get married and breed super babies. Yeah... moving on. The third story is the only story worth reading, because it's the original Ender's Gamer. It's pretty much just the third act of the novel, although anyone else notice Petra isn't there? There are no women in this version! The fourth story... Ender does his taxes. For real. The system of taxes doesn't make sense, by the by. If I go to England when taxes are due (which I did last year) I didn't have to pay taxes to the English government just because I was on their soil. IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!! Sure, I guess it's nice seeing how Ender met Jane, but seriously, a short story about a war hero doing TAXES!?! GO FUCK YOURSELF ORSON SCOTT CARD!!!
10. The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
Sorry, my brain is a little drained. Who knew I had so much hatred for First Meetings? This book was good, and sad, and meaningful... but that whole thing that happens in the end with Ray and Ruth/Susie leaves me feeling a little, weirded out. I mean, they essentially slipped her a ruffie and... did things to her. Okay, but really, it's a great book. If you liked the movie you'll enjoy the book even more.