"If he is not the word of God God never spoke."

Jan 08, 2010 00:53

Some days my apartment building greatly amuses me.

2. The Road - Cormac McCarthy

This was a Christmas present (because nothing says Christmas like post-apocalyptical cannibalism). I started reading a few pages that day, but being Christmas I was quickly steered off-track. Anyway, picked it up again yesterday and it's such an easy read that I finished it a few minutes ago. I don't really know what to say about this novel, except that it deserved to win the Pulitzer Prize. His use of language is absolutely mind-boggling. It sort of reminded me of J.R.R. Tolkien a bit, but that might just be because I'm also re-reading The Silmarillion. My point is, the guy knows how to use English. This is not a book for the feint of heart again: post-apocalyptical cannibalism. At it's very basis it is the story of a man and his son, but on a deeper level it is also about hope and the goodness in mankind and the desperate fight to keep that above all other things alive. If you dislike reading, go see the movie, it's not much different (even a few of McCarthy's stunning words and kept alive by Viggo Mortensen's awesome narration). The only thing I have against this book (and the movie) is the end. I won't spoil it, but it does make me tilt my head and go: "Hm."

Mom called me earlier this even and we had a strange conversation.

Mom: "You haven't called in a while, are you all right?"
Me: "Yes."
Mom: "What are you doing tonight?"
Me: "I dunno, finishing my book?"
Mom: "Oh, you're studying?"
Me: "No."
Mom: "Ah... so you wouldn't want to go out?"
Me: "Sure, I'll go out."
Mom: "What do you want to do?"
Me: "I dunno, we could go see Nine?"
Mom: "I've seen Nine."
Me: "Oh."
Mom: "Why don't I pick you up in 15 minutes. We'll figure something out."
Me: "Um... okay."

We went to a movie.

She sounded kinda sad, and lonely. I think she really misses having Adrienne in the house (who stayed with her for the month of December with baby Jack. Simon joined her for the last two weeks). Maybe I should call her more often...

randomness, photo of the day, books

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