Je me souviens...

Nov 11, 2009 10:55

November 10 2009

I am always amused my the fact that the word 'moo' is written on the inside of my laundry room door. Why does it say 'moo'? Probably because someone got lazy when removing the words 'laundry room'.

November 11 2009

I wanted to post something relating to Remembrance Day, but much to my annoyance the only poppy I saw today was on my own shirt. So when I got home from class I turned the kitten into a poppy. She wasn't too sure what was going on, but kittens in scarves look cute and exist because Canadian soldiers gave their lives for us.

This Remembrance Day is a lot more bearable than last years, so it still annoys me how for some people it just passes them by without a second thought. I hope, even if they ddn't observe a minute of silence, they at least spend a moment thinking about all the soldiers who fought or died in the past, the soldiers who fight and die today... and the soldiers who will fight and die tomorrow and the day after and the day after...


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