"...I'm on the pavement, thinkin' bout the gov'ment..."

Jan 23, 2009 13:54

See, now, this is the kind of thing that really bothers me.
These are just a few headlines from today's news.

"Obama to Lift Ban on Overseas Abortion Funding" http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/01/23/obama-lift-ban-overseas-abortion-funding/

"Irritated Obama 'Stares Down' Reporter During Press Corps Visit" http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/01/22/obama-suprises-white-house-press-corps-visit-briefing-room/

"One Hundred Tons of Garbage Collected After Obama Inauguration" http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/01/22/washington-undertakes-massive-trash-cleanup-left-inaugural-revelers/

And last, but not least:
"Bush Family to Leave Many Treasured Items Inside White House"  http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/01/16/bush-family-leave-treasured-items-inside-white-house/

The first one really makes me angry.  Even if I were to think that abortion is A-OK, I certainly would not advocate AMERICAN taxpayers paying for abortions of NON-AMERICANS.  I'm sorry, but I thought we have an economic crisis going on here, people?  Why in the world is our president advocating spending our tax-dollars on abortions in other nations?  By the way, if you read the article, you will discover that this is a policy that Clinton also revoked (after Reagan began it and G.H.W. Bush upheld it).  I thought our president wanted to avoid looking like he was following in the Clinton's footsteps?
But, as a "tonic" for the first article, read the last article.  That is classy behavior, people.  The Bushes should be commended for it, although I can't say I'm surprised.  They don't strike me as the type of people that need expensive things to make themselves feel important, regardless of what anyone may like to say about that.
Anyhoozle, I'm done sharing my irritation.  For now! Hahaha...be afraid, be very afraid...
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