Jun 06, 2006 14:57
My foot still hurts, im going to be hobbling at least a bit at my orientation, how fucking sad.
According to Liss, Dean did the cutest thing ever in Provenance and I missed it. Im only a bit cut.
Went shopping with nan to get a duck feather and down doona, and do you think they had any queens left? No.
But there were about 100 singles.
Bill Bryson is still great.
I still really want that Honeymoon with my Brother book but I just put some money in the bank and all ive got left is 20 bucks.
I cant buy anything off the net till i sit down and make some lists of what ive got coming, where its arriving and how much its costing me.
Thank cristo its not a credit card.
Speaking of cristo, there is much controversy in the Supernayural fandom over whether or not it actually means christ, but there is a mountain range called Sangre De Cristo, which means Blood of Christ, so im not sure if its latin or not but out there somewhere 'cristo' does mean 'christ'.
Liss's predictions have come true, I have stuff being sent from America going to my PO box, her house, my grandparents house and pete said I can use his PO box so its looking like NCIS will be going there.
I wonder how much a PO box is? Maybe I should just buy my own.
Im still winning this auction, I dont think most people want to spend much more then $10 on it, if anyone was going to try and out bid me they would do it near closing, it still has 54 minutes so when its got like 4 to go I will set a maximum bid of $12, just to be safe.
Its the 6th, I wonder if NCIS is avilable yet? It damn well should be, though now i cant get it till next week.
After about 30 minutes of stuffing around and what-not, I finally got the order for a Tycho shirt, Liss is getting Gabe and all is right in the world.
I woke up this morning totally disorientated, couldnt remember what day it was, thought it was Sunday and that i had forgotten to set the alarm at first, then it took me about 5 mins to remember it was Tuesday and the one day this week that i will definatly get a sleep in.
This happened at about 7am so naturally I rolled over and went promptly back to sleep.