otw elections: sound and fury signifying...ego

Nov 04, 2011 17:31

There's a big ol' kerfuffle going on right now re: OTW elections. I'm mostly keeping my head down because that's what I do. But here, completely unsolicited, is my unofficial opinion: I love doing what I do for the Org, and I love the committee I work with. Systems is chock full of stellar people, starting with my co-chair (whom I posted about recently), and I wouldn't be there if I didn't love it to pieces. You know?

That said, I attended one of the Elections Q&A sessions and mostly what I got out of it was that some people enjoy the sound of their own voice throwing up obstructions for the sake of plumping up their egos instead of moving the process forward for the greater good. And at least one comes across as the pissed off pigeon-hounder who shows up at the City Council meeting every month to complain about the droppings on the statue in the town square. But I guess that's the way of all democratic efforts.

All I know is? I've closed 7 tickets in the past 5 days; I've got work to do. To be more transparent, someone else is going to have to come in and do the watching and reporting back, because baby, I'm too busy looking at my fingers typing, typing, typing. Not that your Systems Monkeys are hiding anything more than too much coffee intake. We named our new servers zen, buddha and tao, and it never occurred to us to poll anyone about our internal server names (the ones we'd be typing over and over again for the next however many years). There wasn't time, anyway. We barely got everything off the single server and onto those three before *kablooey*. So maybe someone would have liked to have heard about that? But there would have had to have been someone with the time to tell the story.

So, yeah. I guess that's how I feel: I'm for the candidates that will make it possible for me to do my job. But then, I'm not very articulate. rivkat said it all much better than I, with bigger words and much less frustration.

This is esteefee (arrow), over and out.


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