H50: Ho'opa'i (01x21): episode er bits

Apr 19, 2011 18:28

so, the episode itself I didn't watch so much as glean from? two *years*+ undercover when the poor man has a family, including a small child? tell me the FBI doesn't do this (and would this even be an FBI-type operation?) this makes no sense. also, that his 8 or 9? year-old son wouldn't recognize him. but anyway, my gleanings:

  1. Steve went swimming with his cast wrapped in plastic. madman. ♥
  2. Steve detects his home has been invaded by sniffing the SPAM. hahaha. This is Steve's spam-face:

  3. SO MUCH KAMEKONA LOVE. The man respects a deal. Plus he was wearing a "Kiss me, I'm Hawaiian." apron.
  4. Steve dodging wayward SPAM approaching his mouth: PRICELESS.
  5. Steve has hairless toes. And looks outstanding in a surf shirt.
  7. Steve's gray hair is back!

  8. Danny's ties just keep getting better and better.
  9. Also, his butt. He lined up a nice shot for me but I had to mess with the exposure somewhat because he inconveniently was facing the bright Hawaiian sun at the time of the shot.

  10. Danny can't possibly roll his sleeves any higher up his INCREDIBLY MUSCULAR BICEPS without the costuming department sewing him into his shirts.
  11. That scene with Steve and little Kevin. just. a;lkdfas;kfja;skdf;sakfjlll; Steve doesn't touch him; he waits for Kevin to reach out first...aslkdflkas;l I just. Steve. Your heart.

  12. Then Steve tells Kevin he will find answers for him. But Steve already knows the answers, because he has experienced this himself: Kevin will have to move forward in this world without a mother, and with a guilty, obsessed father. Oh, Kevin. Oh, Steve.

  13. Other stuff happens. It makes no sense at all. You needn't worry about it. The important thing is: Kono climbs a tree using only the power of her incredible thighs (I kid you not; she's carrying a giant rock in one hand at the time), retrieving important evidence and making Danny all nervous:

  14. Chin Ho Kelly doesn't get to do much, which pisses me off royally.
  15. The bad guy's bodyguard stuffs a bribe into Steve's pocket, which makes Steve put both hands on the wheel, prompting Danny to make his spam-face:

    Danny pleads with Steve not to do that, that terrible things happen when Steve puts both hands on the wheel, but eventually fastens his seat-belt and says, in a lovely, resigned, voice, "Okay." After which, Steve drives through the front gate, but fortunately not through the bodyguards, who jump out of the way. Of course, Steve and Danny don't find any evidence, and it's all very stupid and he-man and not very intelligent on our guys' parts (or the writers'), for all that it's very amusing. And Steve never returns the bribe! A missed humor opportunity for him to offer it as payment for the front gate.
  16. Then other stuff happens. Not important. Very stupid. But THEN there is a discussion in the car b/w Danny and Steve, thinking things out, that is hilarious. "WWDD, WWSD in these same circumstances?", wife murdered, son at risk as a witness? Danny says he would want to kill everyone, but couldn't do that to Grace. With a perfectly straight face, Steve says he would be "By the book." Oh, it's worth it to see Danny stutter, "What-what book?" And then posit it would be The Patriot Act for Dummies, or perhaps, How to Nuke Your Enemies (I liked that one), or, War and Peace (Minus the Peace Part). Oh, *glee*.
  17. There was this one FBI agent; she was cool. I liked her.
  18. She wanted to talk to Steve's boss. He told her he answered to God and the Governor. haha. And, actually, I don't think the taskforce answers to God. God doesn't tend to get involved with state departments or even in federal jurisdictional squabbles. For that matter, there's been no proof I know of of God's involvement in any major international disputes, or global events, or well, anythings, ever. As I understand it, the whole point of believing in God is folks are supposed to do so without any proof whatsoever.
  19. In the end, only people with broken limbs or massive gut wounds are allowed to chase down suspects with vital information.
  20. And then shoot them.
  21. Oh forget it. Did I mention Danny's biceps?

  22. Or Steve's surf suit?

Notice that Danny has secretly signed Steve's cast, down low, near the wrist. With a tiny, tiny heart. ♥

Next week, brahs.

[ gallery link for full-sizes]

h50, picspam, episode review

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