H50: He Kane Hewa'ole (so much love)

Jan 19, 2011 01:22

Oh, this episode. So much love. So many wonderful character moments, all for me to

Spoil like crazy. [Gallery link for bookmarking.]

Okay first of all, how much love for Kono flooring it when they get that call?

And CHIN HO KELLY! Your hair is outta control!

(But Danny and Steve have it worse off, because those black gloves are ridonculous.)

But first: the kitchen. Danny flirts with tricks Steve into thinking he brought him a present.

DANNY: "I wanted to put a smile on your face."

STEVE: "Really?" And oh! A little almost smile!

DANNY [blammo with the sucker-punch] "No. UPS left it for you."

Danny, you are a bitch when you haven't had your coffee.

Now here's a question: See this scar on Steve's chest? Isn't that awfully close to his ticker? I'm thinking knife wound.

Freaky, huh?

And then we learn that Danny is not a gear head, which totally surprised me. I'd think he'd have restored a '72 Torino to be like Starsky.

Onward to the CHiPs convo:

BEAUTIFUL DANNY [WITH CRAZY BLOND HAIR]: "I'm Erik Estrada, you're the other guy."

STEVE [IN ISAAC HAYES VOICE]: "I don't think so, baby."


Then Steve plays with severed head.

Really? Really, Steve?

[I was surprised to see Max out and about, but I guess he just couldn't resist the severed head, either.]

Chin is there to fill them in. He'd obviously had time to obtain some emergency hair gel in the interim. Kono is the only one who looks good in the little black gloves. They all retire to HQ, where Danny dispenses the most horrific joke known to television. (And I used to watch Fresh Prince of Bel Air.)

Then Kono does a solo interview with the (non)suspect...oh, Kono, didn't you notice how utterly capped that guy's front teeth were? Big red flag, babe.

And then we see a new set (the H50 lab?), where OOOOH Chin uses jumper cables to bring the GPS to life, prompting this adorable moment from Kono:

And now we pause for your gratuitous gorgeous Danny moment:


Followed by Sad Faced Steve:

Okay, we must...the brilliant car conversation. Which made my heart all melty. God! I would quote it in full but sheafrotherdon already did.

Although I have to wonder why Danny always jumps all over Steve's shit and stops crediting a word he says the instant a father/son relationship is involved. People can think and be emotional at the same time. After all, Steve was right about the Serbian star tattoo thing. And it's not like Danny has a leg to stand on in the objectivity department.

Of course it could just be that Danny's gigantic, fuzzy, angry heart is FURIOUS at the hurts his boyfriend is suffering and wants to make them better.

But I digress. Because. In the car, AWESOME BACK AND FORTH. Total gems, and Danny, oh, I swear Danny has been listening to my psychic brainwaves or something because he is totally putting on the pouts MUCH MORE OFTEN these days.

I won't go over the scene in the morgue because it BROKE MY FREAKIN' HEART. That actor deserves an Emmy.

Never mind, though, because my absolute favorite moment...Chin Ho Kelly pushing the elevator button that third time. Oh, nervous Chin, seeing his ex-fiancée, just being a big SCHMOE about it, too, and it turns out he was a total schmuck because he wanted to protect her and ended up hurting both of them. Oh, God I hope they pursue this storyline and don't drown the show in car chases instead of letting us see this be resolved further.

And of course Kono thinks it's Malia's fault and gives her the cold shoulder. OUCH.

So the guys go talk to the father, who's acting all squirrely, and then tail him like CHiPs except in a big shiny car, and then Danny jumps and rolls out of spinning car and runs after bad guy in hoodie, and Steve follows, and they can't find him, where is? where is? OH NO BAD MANS ABOUT TO SHOOT DANNO! SAVE HIM, STEVE SAVE HIM!

Which he does, altogether too efficiently because in such situations one doesn't settle for anything less than center mass. x2 ::sigh::

The rest of the team shows up, and Kono is devastated that she missed the clews, and Chin reassures her that's all Part of the Yob, and Steve checks in with Chin that she's okay, which...big doofus. He just <3s his team.

But Capped Teef is a goner, and no one knows where Kidnapped Daughter is, she could be buried in a septic tank on someone's back forty, except BRILLIANT DANNY parses the champagne glasses:

"How'd you get to be so smart?" says Steve.

"Well, I yam a deteckative," Danny does not reply.

BTW, the thing I noticed most in this scene? Besides how cute Danny's ducktail was slicked back so right? Was Steve's desert boots are finally looking a little dirty.

So then it's all done but for the mopping up, and boy is the villain/daughter/MacGuffin cold. She isn't even rattled that they're taking her in for Murder One. I can see why Steve seems tempted to pull SEAL maneuvers on her ass. With his dirty combat boots.

There is no explanation for why Capped Teef was carting around the really, really smelly rest of hubby's corpse (I mean, why not leave him in the shed if they were flying to Paris?) or why he didn't just wrap up the head in dry ice and drop it in the mailbox or something. Having it driven there? Really, really dumb. Not to mention, Miranda Warning? Heck, they didn't even warn Capped Teef they were cops before they came gunning for him.

Ah, but the character moments made for such an excellent episode. And now, TWO tags:



(sorry, hairball)


(no, not these ones:)

THIS one:

No, THESE, both of them with the hands, arguing over who gets to be Ponch:


Answer? Neither, actually: it's CHIN HO KELLY. The cop who rides a motorcycle, you meatheads!


h50, picspam, episode review

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