I spent the last two days locked in a room down south with 40-odd dick-swinging software engineers doing product release planning, which, if you don't know what that is, consider yourself blessed. It's basically rabid weasels in a cage match, fighting about which features to include when and whether, duking it out WWF-style (no, MY precious database must be coded by sprint 3 or the UX won't be available until three weeks too late!)
I have discovered, not that I was unaware of this fact, that I'm really not an extrovert after all, and having to be "on" for two full days in a row under florescent lighting with voices babbling all at once and while trying to read a fuzzy projection screen with rows of text did nothing good at all for my migraine situation.
Then, when it was finally time to escape, my plane was delayed over an hour and a half.
My eyeballs are actually pulsating at this moment. I can't fall asleep.
As John Sheppard would say: "Crap."
Well, at least I'm home. Pirate Kitty rejoices and places a proprietary paw on my pajama-clad thigh. And while I was gone, I did get a lot of writing done on my super top secret birthday gift for *cough*.
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