Joyce Carol Oates had it right

Jan 16, 2015 13:49

the secret of being a writer: not to expect others to value what you’ve done as you value it. not to expect anyone else to perceive in it the emotions you have invested in it. once this is understood, all will be well. not indifference, not apathy-but self-containment is the result.-joyce carol oates, from a journal entry (via violentwavesofemotion)
Because I'm tired of tumblr thieving my writing time, I'm going to stop playing there as much and start playing in my journal once again. But I will post some goodies here that I find on tumblr because fair's fair. It's stolen a lot of my creativity lately and it should give back. :D

I'm working on a story right now where Dr. Weir heads a multi-national diplomatic corps and anti-crime syndicate that happens to house an elite squad of diplomats/scientists/militia responsible for incredible feats of deescalating tensions, creating and discovering new technologies, and preventing the wrong technologies from being exploited by international criminals. The Atlantis Institute has just recruited its latest, most recalcitrant member, Dr. Rodney McKay, just in time, because alien blobs are invading through a rift between dimensions. Oh noes!

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writing, sga

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