
Oct 14, 2014 14:04

okay, this is hilarious. and sorta TMI, so...

I went in yesterday to have a suspicious mole removed. I have so very many moles, I can't even. It's the price of being from hearty Greek peasant stock. I imagine when I'm ancient and crony I will have thousands of scars from having been filched of my many "suspicious" moles, but that is neither here nor there, nor the point of this post.

All day the sutures were bugging me, burning a little, pissing me off every time I moved. I couldn't figure it out: it was just two stitches! A tiny little cut. Finally, by evening I couldn't stand it any longer, and even though it hadn't been the prescribed 12 hours yet, I went to the bathroom and took the dressing off.

LO AND BEHOLD. The entire area under the tape was bright red and up in a rash. I am allergic to the adhesive in the tape! The sutures were A-OK fine. BWAH. The burning was from the sticky tape.

So funny. I cleaned up all the tape goo using salicylic acid (I have no idea if this was the correct course, but it seems to have worked) and coated it with topical cortisone cream (stuff my dermatologist gave me for poison oak) and today it's much better.

But I can't wait to tell my skin doc that I'm allergic to their band-aids. DEATHLY ALLERGIC. CALL CARSON.

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