Ferguson, Missouri

Aug 20, 2014 13:12

I have to write about Ferguson, because it's just unbelievable, and what I'm seeing is hurting my stomach. But I won't go on about the things you already know: that an 18 year-old was shot down and it's pretty obvious from all the witness accounts the cop had no justification, that his fellow officers are just circling the wagons against what they perceive is a threat to their white privilege.

I want to talk about the protesters who are having tear gas thrown in their faces, the Governor setting a curfew the police don't respect before hurling said tear gas, the reporters being arrested to prevent documenting the atrocities, the *tanks* in the streets of Ferguson.

When San Francisco rallied against the war in Iraq in 2003, I was there, along with hundreds of thousands. We marched, we sang, just like the people in Ferguson, but with major differences. There were no sniper rifles aimed at us. There were no cops wearing tactical gear and aiming machine guns at our chests, calling us names and throwing tear gas and shooting wooden/rubber bullets. Can you imagine how many fatalities would have ensued?

The police offers were armed, but didn't point their guns at us. They were friendly, but determined to keep the peace. We too, were determined to keep the peace, though there were some who did some property damage in their anger. But though there were some arrests, the officers weren't indiscriminate, or shouting racial epithets at us, calling us "animals." They also acknowledged it was our right to voice our protest of our country's actions, to congregate and make our voices be heard.

Reporters weren't targeted for taking pictures of abuse.

Cops wore nametags and didn't try to hide their identities.

What is going on in Ferguson isn't freedom, isn't democracy.

Can you imagine the outrage that would have ensued if Cliven Bundy and his armed cadre had been treated with even an ounce of this kind of abuse? And they are armed and dangerous.

The double standard is obvious and despicable.

I'm so angry.

Here, have a picture of some kittens:

Power to the people of Ferguson, and everyone aiding in getting their stories to be heard.

And rest in peace, Michael Brown. May you get justice.

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