December Meme: Sleepy Hollow, the Sisters

Dec 18, 2013 11:59

For December Meme: Sleepy Hollow - your thoughts on Abbie and Jenny's relationship (and Ichabod, too, if you like) for

Abbie and Jenny, oh the sisters. I never had a sister, but I think Abbie was the more responsible one, the one who counseled caution and tried to rein Jenny back from her grief- and rage-inspired acting out, because Abbie knew it would make their already crappy situation worse. They were young and powerless in a system that wasn't kind to the powerless. I think Abbie recognized that, whereas Jenny would buck the system and say screw the consequences. She was in a place where it felt like nothing mattered.

But Abbie kept all those dark feelings bottled up, and would try to calm Jenny down as best she could, and then together they would slip out to the woods where it was safe for them to lash out in anger.

I can see them both running and screaming like crazy, climbing trees and jumping off broken walls, smashing bottles, swinging branches and throwing rocks. Getting it all out.

But maybe it was those dark feelings that even drew the demon to them, witnesses aside.

Because so much darkness had already befallen them in such a short time, and more was already waiting.

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december meme, sleepy hollow

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